Hive-Bounty - Back with UPDATES

Dear Hive-Community,

today we would like to introduce you to our latest updates regarding @hive-bounty.

Last year, we actively engaged with the community to gather feedback and ideas regarding possible features and updates for Hive-Bounty. Due to our responsibilities and jobs, we were unable to address these suggestions earlier, but we checked out your ideas/wishes closely and started adding some further functions according to the feedback we got from the community.

For this update we are proud to present the following new features:

Exclude Bots:

To exclude bots from the payout, you can now activate this feature.
This will exclude bots like @poshtoken, @weed.dispenser, @pizzabot and many others from the bounty payout.

"Exclude Bots" is set as default setting from now on!

Author = Creator:

By clicking this button, you transfer your creator rights to the author of the post on which you place this bounty.
This way the "Creator weightings"-Slider will be considered as "Author weightings"-Slider which means that the authors votes on comments will have a higher impact (depending on your settings) on the payout distribution.

Include Reputation:

Clicking the "Use Reputation" button includes reputation in the calculation of the bounties payout.
This means that someone with rep 70 has more voting influence than someone with 25. This prevents things like vote trails from overtaking a bounty reward for example.

Hidden Bounty:

By clicking the "Hide Bounty" button, you prevent your Hive-Bounty from being displayed on our website as well as the creation of our bot's comment on the post. The bot will only respond at the end of the bounty with the results and will subsequently pay out the funds.

This allows you to distribute bounties on various Hive-Posts like hiding little treasure chests.

Special thanks to @seki1 for providing the basic idea!

Exclude Selfvotes:

This button allows you to exclude self-votes.
Self-Votes will be excluded in the payout calculation.

Minimum Characters:

After clicking this button, a slider will appear that allows you to set the minimum number of characters required for a comment to be considered for the payout.

Special thanks to @killerwot for this suggestion.

Language Updates: is now available in the following languages:

English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Durch, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese.

Further information about Hive-Bounty.

We would appreciate feedback regarding our updates and further possible extensions for Hive-Bounty as well as our other tools and services. Have a lot of fun with the current released update!

Your Team.

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