HoneyComb RoundTable

HoneyComb is Maturing

We have over 20 accounts now that have set up SPKCC or DLUX HoneyComb nodes and scripts/tools/guides are being created to help us all along. There are also a lot of questions: How does this work, why does it work this way, what features are there, what features are coming, how can we run our own community token, etc etc?

On Tuesday, Feb 15, at 21:00 UTC I'll host a recorded round table discussion. Answering questions from our current and potential users. Come to our dlux discord to join in.

Comment here to leave any questions and I'll try and get to them as well or structure some talking points to clear the thickest fog.

Screenshot from 2022-02-11 18-19-27.png

Thanks for your Witness Votes and consideration.

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