Weekly Development Updates for D.Buzz - Today: The D.Buzz DDS (Decentralized Database System)


Weekly Development Updates for D.Buzz - Today: The D.BuzzDDS (Decentralized Database System)

Welcome to Tuesday.

Today, we want to talk a bit more about our custom database solution that we are actively developing.

The challenge we are looking to solve.

To provide additional functionality and features for D.Buzz users, we needed to find a way to store data specifically for different users.

For example, user "A" might want to have dark mode enabled, and user "B" may want to have light mode enabled. Currently we store all user information in cookies that are stored on the user's browser. This is an inefficient solution. As soon as the browser cache is cleared, all user settings are lost. This results in lost time for the user, who then has to put back all their settings when they login again.

Meet the D.Buzz DDS (Decentralized Database System)

Our Decentralized Database System will allow us to store custom data (such as “User Settings”) and additional custom data that we can’t store on the Hive Blockchain.

The database will be stored on our IPFS Node in JSON format. While there won't be any sensitive information stored (such as your account’s private keys keys), the data will be secured with our own API keys issued by Fleek. Each user will have their own instance, also enhancing the overall security.

Eventually, this will open many opportunities for D.Buzz as a “Decentralized Community” and prevent against database hacks and state-level censorship, which is a big pitfall for more normal databases.

The DDS (Decentralized Database System) will be implemented soon on D.Buzz v3, and there won’t be any interruptions for our users while this transition happens. In addition to this, D.Buzz will remain fully functional even if the DDS is taken off-line.

Once the database system is ready, we’ll connect it with our frontend and it will automatically create a user’s account in our database, so there's nothing additional you will need to do.

We’re looking forward to sharing multiple updates with, in regards to the Decentralized Database System, and the features it will bring to you in the coming week.

Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, we will be the first application on Hive to make use of a DDS (Decentralized Database System) in this manner.

We anticipate it will take us another 7 to 10 days to get this solution implemented, and another 5 days for bug checking and/ troubleshooting.

What are your thoughts on the DDS?

  • In what unique ways can you see a solution like this implemented in your own project?
  • Would you be interested if we open-sourced it?
  • Do you have any thoughts or concerns about a DDS?

Let us know in the comments.

- D.Buzz


D.Buzz is...

A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

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