Meet the next branch of DBuzz, Join.D.Buzz!


Meet the next branch of DBuzz, Join.D.Buzz!

Hello, D.Buzz development enthusiasts!

A party without guests is like a day without sunshine - dull and lifeless! Without people to share in the laughter, the music, and the spectacular decorations, the room might as well be a tomb. There's nothing like the energy of a room filled with excited friends. Without an open-door policy, the party will surely flop. So, what fun is a party if no one can get in? None at all!

To fix this and welcome more users to DBuzz and Hive, we are excited to roll out the next DApp in our extended network of services. Join.D.Buzz!


What Join.D.Buzz is

Join.D.Buzz is a decentralized application (DApp) for creating Hive accounts. This tool provides users with an easy way to create accounts in the Hive blockchain-based social media platform.

With a few simple steps, users can set up their own Hive account in no time. Join.D.Buzz will alsos automatically delegate 15 HP worth of Resource Credits (RC) (which is about 26.93G RC) as a signup bonus to that account for the first 60 days.

Join.D.Buzz is a great option for individuals and organizations looking to join Hive and take advantage of its features and benefits. Our team is committed to providing the best user experience possible, and we are constantly striving to improve and add new features like this to help bolster the platform.

We will keep developing this DApp; however, the features are limited at this time but will be improved upon for now.

Also, a big thank you to @hiveonboard and @roomservice. Credit where credit is due.

This DApp is a fork from the @hiveonboard codebase developed by @roomservice and listed on GitHub. We could not have developed this without their excellent backend code; many thanks, @roomservice, for all you do on Hive - it's inspirational.


How it works

To claim an account on with Join.D.Buzz:

  1. Go to the web page Join.D.Buzz.
  2. Enter a username (the system will check to make sure it is available).
  3. Enter in your phone number.
    -- We ask for a phone number to limit the number of new accounts someone can make at this time to reduce abuse of the system.
  4. Click "Continue". The system will dispatch an SMS to your phone with a confirmation code. Enter that code and get your keys.

For the time being, we have implemented a few limitations.

  • We have a limit of 25 new accounts per day.
  • You can only create a single account on a single phone number.
  • Our system also checks for user's IP address, and if another request for account creation is made from the same IP within 60 days, our system won't allow for another account creation.
  • The RCs delegated on account creation will be revoked automatically after 60 days of account creation.

In conclusion, we are confident that this new onboarding DAapp will be a great asset to our platform, helping bring in new users and add to our excellent user base. With its intuitive design, future planed customizations, and accessibility, we believe it will be a success for our users and for us.

We are excited to see its positive impact on our platform, and can’t wait to witness its potential to revolutionize the onboarding experience. :D


Tonight, DBuzz is shaking things up with its founder taking part in the CryptoManiacs podcast!

This one-of-a-kind event is sure to be full of thrilling insights about the future of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize the world, and will have a few big announcements about DBuzz.

Listeners everywhere will surely enjoy this discussion of the development of new technologies, the opportunities it brings, and what it means for the industry's future.

Get ready to be inspired, as the founder of DBuzz dives deep into the blockchain world and its possibilities. Don't miss out on this must-hear conversation!

You can tune in for The CryptoManiacs, on January 10, 2023, at 1:00 PM, EST.

  1. #TwitterSpace [ Live ]

  1. Vimm [ Live ]

  1. 3speak [ Uploaded after the recording ]

A shoutout to @jongolson and @taskmaster4450 for hosting and setting up this event. Thank you!

As we continue our journey, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the ongoing development of the Hive blockchain, freedom of speech, and the power to enable our users do great things. The potential of this platform is truly boundless and, with the right support and guidance, individuals can create something magical. That's why we are committed to providing our users with the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential - whether that's creating a vibrant community, developing innovative applications, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations.

We stand for the notion that what we can do together is always greater than what we can do alone, and we strive to enable our users to connect, collaborate, and grow together.

Thank you.


D.Buzz is...

A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.

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We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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