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Japanese water therapy

The best way to start off the morning is with two glasses of water. This water needs to be room temperature. At first you might not be able to drink both glasses, but it’s ok be patient. This method is called the Japanese water therapy. It will feed your body with what you need. But for it to work you must not do anything for 45 min. No teeth brushing, no coffee no cigarettes nothing. Let the water be absorbed by the body. This way you get lot of health benefits.

  • optimal brain function
  • sustained energy levels
  • blood pressure

And so on and on. Am not a doctor, so have that I mind as well but from what I’ve seen it tightens my skin ( cold showers and olive oil boost that effect on the body as well )
After the water therapy you could start of with a green tea it not only has caffeine it also produces and releases dopamine in your brain. Stay for every happy and healthy cheers.

*bonus info - and shungite to your water. 🤩🤩🙏 peace

The black cup is with the shungite. That amount of rock is easily used four 5 liters.

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