HIVE + ZEOS = $HIVEZ! a Private Anonymous Hive Social Network with Private ZK Snarks reward Pool, Accounts and Private Hive Engine DEX - Dan Larimer retweeted something about ZEOS, the new PEOS, Privacy on EOS via peos/zeos model.

HIVEZ Hive with a Z for Zero as in ZK aka Zero Knowledge

New Project (36).png

There were many ways I used to think about how Steemit (before hive) and EOS (before telos) would use eosio smart contracts on pEOS to do completely private transactions still cheaper than btc or eth or monero in terms of tx fees, as these eosio / dpos chains are free transactions but the users can now PAY for actual PRIVATE transactions with private ram pools and everything (Like private hivepower delegation mixers )

Another integration idea is obviously for hive-engine to list SWAP.ZEOS and it is just an EOS token for now, so thats an easy one by @someguy123 and @aggroed .... I wonder when @hiveanon and someguy123 will create a similar project, for Hive-engine ... a privacy token or dex ... well if we can use ZK snarks, maybe we can REVISIT a lot of the discussions steemit used to have a lot of, all about THIS subject of PRIVATE steem or BLACK steem etc, and theres been a lot of talk about how to use ZK snarks on steem (hive)


If we had eosio smart contracts and a DEX, that used private eosio / hive unified private edenos style clarion accounts, we can link an anonymous zoes account to a mixer of hive accounts which can post anonymously or through 1 single account or through a pool of random anonymous accounts

Content can also be hidden in art and coded, into content, cold war spy messaging, we can build this into hive blog to allow us to have software that slips past government censors. We can help free people in other countries while they work to free the US lol.

so what or WHo is Zak Snarx?


The acronym zk-SNARK stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge,” and refers to a proof construction where one can prove possession of certain information, e.g. a secret key, without revealing that information, and without any interaction between the prover and verifier.

zero knowledge SUSinQUED Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge

sounds like me

i come into a room with zero knowledge, fast and mean, and im non interactive and i argue about knowledge lol

Ive written blogs about integrating PEOS into steemit and I realized after doing some research that BITSHARES has done this anonymous private DEX experiment before using the Bitshares openledger fork called SENTINAL dex! A private bitshares front end with private back end mechanics.

If they can plan that allll the way back during bitshares BEFORE steemit, then imagine when we can use a PRIVATE version of Hive using ZK snarks and withdraw to ZEOS with real eosio smart contracts, private ethereum virtual machines

see? These guys figured it out @graphicalx


STEALTH transactions as "zero-knowledge super-secure transactions on the Bitshares platform ('unknown' sent 'n' 'unknown' to 'unknown')". That means you can send transfers from your account to a secret account that cannot be viewed on Cryptofresh or any explorer. Then you can do a couple of secret transactions that are completely invisible and take out the money in some completely new account without anyone knowing what has happened. Isn't that super cool?! You don't know whose sending, who its going to, nor the amount or which coin was sent....

its like sending from @null to @null here on hive (the burn account) its something like that ... or @blocktrades to @blocktrades hehe if @blocktrades adds a privacy feature or a DEX running inside an EOS or Telos or ethereum smart contract like uniswap, like hive engine on eosio, now that could be running on its own hosted on dstor everywhere and nowhere at once ... so blocktrades can distance itself from itself and just create a fire it cant put out, a DEX fire ... a ZK-SST or

zero-knowledge super-secure transactions

If @aggroed and @someguy123 @eonwarped and @beggars had a ZHIVE or HIVEZ it could become a really fun side chain smart contract powered anonymity Hive Engine token with Hive Engine buttons on the tribal dex market or Pool swap page, buttons that allow you to go into PRIVACY mode or ANONYMITY mode or INCOGNITO mode, charging you extra tokens or just HIVE for every anonymous private mixed transaction you make on this new PRIVACY dex using HIVEz - Hive with Zero Knowledge

HIVEZK the Hive Zak ... Zero Applicable Knowledge / Zero Applicable Knowledge eXchange ZAKX / ZAX AI


ok ackza discovered the HIVEZ onward with Crab stage 11.6

anonymous 5G Weaponized stinging flying insect hive weapons suite lol oops i mean SOCIAL MEDIA SITE FOR HUMANS! no insect swarms ACTUALLy controlled via 5G and nano tech nooooo

im suuure that because of all the military smart contracts and south korea and edenos, that privacy on eosio isnt about BLOCKING someone from being able to start tracing the person who used a kill switch or drone trigger ... leading adversaries back to an operator because the worlds militaries are religious and actually prefer not having to click the button to kill someone ... and they want to decentralize the killing AND make it anonymous lol so the eosio system can EXECUTE humans with its own free will with electro optical system EOS IRL youtube webcam chat governance... hiveminds will be anonymous....

chats for @vimm streaming will be anonymous

@dtube and @threespeak can be anonymous

hive-engine and tribal dex pools can be 100% anonymous

and best of all, Actual HIVE COMMUNITIES can be created with anonymouse hive wallets and use anonymous hive wallets as the admins and moderators


Every POST can be private using memo keys and a network of trusted readers who will be trusted not to leak secrets with a privacy / secrecy score ... see who can keep their mouths/mouses shut with intelligence / trade secrets lol

so imagine an entire anonymous hive community tribe where all accounts are anonymous, all the posts are 100% beneficiary rewards set to some anonhive hivepower MIXER ... which then pays you anonymous liquid hive (or even pays you in ZEOS or Monero from ZK blocktrades ... dark trades ... zerotrades zktrades a ZKdex ZKswap.

Ad an A in there, Zero Applicable Knowledge or Zero Accessible Knowledge so its ZAK snarks or a ZAK dex or ZAKhive

so Z cash really was destined for me... I really did create it like bitcoin using a time machine to replace whoever actually created it because for time travelers he must be more of a popular target than baby hitler lol

look zcash has ANONYMOUS VOTING .... ZKvote!


REALLY try to READ this!
TRY to understand how Zksnarks works! It requires a setup, and knowledge of ELIPTICAL CURVE signing which we probably do everyday with our keychain logins or "sign" in as we are leaving a mathematical signature ...

Setup: (C,key)-> (pk, vk)
Prove: (pk, x, w) -> Proof
verify: (vk, Proof, x, y) -> Bool

Please, lets all try to explain how ZK Snarks works so we as a hivemind can all understand it and developers can use our fast mapping to find new exploits ... what i call business possibilities for hive and other smart contracts to connect in INTER BLOCKCHAIN COMMUNICATION ... Privacy Hive would be so powerful.... no more taxes ... just illegal HIVE darknet black market users makin that MONEy spending it on BITCOIN and BTC is KING hahahahah cant stop crypto now cats out of the bag and when its private THAT breaks their entire system...


so when you gop ahead and make the FASTEST most USED blocckhains liek WAX telos EOS and HIVE into PRIVACY chains by default just because that choice is there lol, youre gonna see peopel go CRAZY for an ANONYMOUS version of ETHEREUM for fucks sake, so many private smart contracts lol.... then we all learn to move liek a school of fish and train ourselves to synchronize behaviors online like a human data pool as we all Glitch DANCE to escape the AI and move in PACKS


Seriously tho, HiveZ sounds great ... welcome to the HIVEZ ...
It could be $HIVEZK but that's just too close to HI ZACK or HIVE ZACK, the ZAK hive ....

theres also PHIVE which is like "five" or "phi" and theres WHIVE which is your WIFE's token in the future on @ddate when women start kicking ass and taking care of us like manager secretaries, like a secret advisor who acts liek a secretary, so the man's ego can have fun...

Hi vez! like Hi Venezuela hah. and Peos used a code name BOLIVAR for its first Github release wallet! @alcorexchange should be on this roadmap with TIPIT because tipit and edenos and Challengedac's GPS all work together for clarion and edenos for location based governance voting verification in a web of trust etc...... and alcor and tipit are essential to eos .... eos revolves around edenos and UBI and that will functionally happen over tipit on twitter and telegram and discord in a PRACTICAL way with Airdrops and games built into the chat bots ... and alcor dex is self listing and the ONLY open source dex you can contribute to with a developer who listens to good ideas and implements them within days ! VERY fast work on alcor, from nothing to a full uniswap clone with dex, trading nfts otc, even pools and a wallet, all from nothing except a TELOS proposal I helped him get! ( @avral on @alcorexchange )

@alcorexchange and @tipitbot MUST be added to this EOS public roadmap alongside existing roadmap winners like @challengedac and @appics


yeah so @alcorexchange and @tipitchat Twitter EOS wallet MUST be the AXIS around which edenos / clarion / hive REVOLVE around like an EOS solar system

when black swans collide


COME ON EVERYONE ..... LETS KEEP trying to REALLY understand how SK Snarks works! its hard! its a hard study because you have to learn a lot of other things which, if you love your crypto, will be fun to learn about!

zeos + clarion + hive + edenos = a delicate weapon


HERE WE GO! @kevinsmall made a great "explainer" infographic !
I wonder how much HIVE it would cost on average to produce these infographics directly from our existing or new hive users?



there we go! an explanation with a guy banned from a real life store, and boxes with secret messages! Now THATS an example! Basically you set up a puzzle for yourself to verify your info without having full piece like everyone gets 1 pixel but together they make art but you cant see what that art is untill you have the order of the pixels...

... like if this were a game to use quantum computers and AI to predict the next best NFT design or crypto logo BEFORE it happens to profit ... ... it would eventually end up like hacking art with time machines and hitting a dead end like recording your tv with a camcorder ... fractals all the way down

So, ZK Snarks is about to blow up the secretive EOS world with @dan Larimer retweeting ZEOS tweets on his bytemaster7 twitter account .. fulfilling the promise PEOS hinting hes wants to involve this with edenos or clarion for some sort of PRIVATE ANONYMOUS identity system so you can identify yourself without identifying yourself hahahahaha

good bye personal income tax, hellos new governance protocols that use TX fees and stake based inflation to print money for proposal systems that fund new projects ... as if the New US Dollar was just TLOS and funded by its own software development talent... Telos the American people... national US airdrop for all citizens of TLOS or some coin to stake and use or trade or swap inside tipit on edenos for TLOS so you get paid an airdrop of TLOS or EOS for signing up to edenos

this sort of daily EOS UBi can even be printed up and we could literally just print up 20 trillion EOS and airdrop it to everyone who signs up as their reward for signing up and continuing to check in and creating content, like an upvote from the US treasury .... it can all be anonymous ... or not ... or both ... and we will see how much money the private anonymous Zksnarks ZEOS Monero Zcash National treasury is able to pay out every month ....


Oh yeah thats another thing is right now its a yearly budget in DC and theers multiple black slush fund methods they use to launder their fiat federal reserve notes but publically they admit to things like 3.5 trillion for infrastructure ... well that bill should be split up into a drawn out proposal system process where each company that WANTS a government smartcontract or funding has to PROPOSE their friggin idea and everyone votes on them individually

no more 3.5 billion pork barrel spending packages cramming in all these SCAMS they make tax theft/graft/grift victims pay for in the trillions every year ..... that scam money should be handed out everyday in a slow trickle making groups compete for it


Dan Larimer's idea of EOS being the basis for an EOSIO token with 20 trillion starting supply, and 5% fixed inflation a year for 1 trillion USD a year to cover the US gov budget for a REAL trickle down faucet experience .... Local areas will vote to use their allocation to fund THEIR OWN local startup projects.


When everyone in the USA has a telos wallet or account on the main net with 1 TLOS staked or some other telos token like the new dollar or TLOSD which works with ... a stable coin that is only stable to the US economy, and which can go UP In Value if the finite number of New Dollars becomes in demand as projects need more and more, with most of the new dollar going to buying more crypto and the remainder on UBI for food and housing ...

What about all the old paper money? That has to be converted to digital somehow in order for someone to buy EOS or HIVE or Telos stake or power resources right? So the exchanges and means by which peopel convert will bottlenecked and gamified.

We will see people actually following other buyers in the economy to get really good bulk style groupon deals or even collectivly save money on taxes by forming some sort of local LLC community local tax havens ...

See? John Mcafee used to talk about not just Monero XMR but Zcash and its ZKsnarks!

"You cant loose" he says, because the government cant arrest everyone for tax evasion and find all their monero... its a big game of who can press who and who knows what, and the federal agents are clueless about how crypto actually works, they are... they have few peopel working for them on anything of any use to anyone... and arresting or fake killing mcafee didnt was only 1 man.... sure "he lost" or did he? Did he fake his own death? Many believe so.


or just stop using teh dollar at all and start using a private SKsnarks eosio treasury, telos proposal and hive blog chain equipped MONSTER that prevents any government from ever collecting taxes far in teh future after this stuff starts reaching critical mass over the next 5 to 10 years with UBI ... the UBI chain reaction will be unstoppable and so when EVERYONE starts using EOSIO teh way they use ethereum

  1. on eosio or hive they will get way more transactions AND WAY FASTER than ANYONE has ever experienced in that large of a group of users as we have in ethereum - allowing SO many more business models to be un frozen off the table, now that you dont have to wait for crazy long transaction confirmation times... or paying $1 to $10 just for one post comment upvote or any smart contract action on chain ... liek we do for free all day long on hive!

  2. The actual COST of their transactions on Telos is nothing literally, and you only encounter problems using other eosio tokens on telos eos or wax that cost RAM so you have to send a little bit the very first time to each new person, and you can sort of get it back as well if they send you back a 0.0001 nano increment back, "frees the ram up" apparently ... but for eos and telos itself its free to do airdrops or transactions or actions just cost a bit of cpua nd ram which recharges etc (and on Hive our HIVEPOWER takes care of all the 2 dimensional non solidity smart contract action resource allocation

  3. The Dapps and liquidity on Ethereum or Binance chain would fall into Telos WAX EOS and Hive engine as their operating costs go down and their use activity goes down and becomes aprox 10x cheaper ? The only think holding eosio and dpos back is the lack of interest in yet ANOTHER blockchain bullshit syndrome or YABB, ethereum is too much for people after BTC ... we have to ease them or trick them into hive and telos with games and off chain blog rewards for tweets etc reposted to hive, upvoted, and liquid rewards tipped to them with liquid hive over inside discord even! a BOT like @banjo could be PAID to do cross posting content from discord text and images, over to a hive blog post and integrate edenos on eos ... and

John Mcafee, Monero, Zcash, SKSnarks, ZEOS, and Hive .... private anonymous discussions ... I see it all @dan ! i see it so clearly! Privacy SMART CONTRACTS are first of a kind with the speed and power of eosio, we could create the most empowering XK Snarks private account based social network with private everything in GIANT pools so vast, you cant fuck with the rational self interest ORBITING and protecting it!

Here on Steemit EOS Telos HIVE I love learning cutting edge software by IMMERSING myself inside of it instead of boring school , no i AM the school and i get PAID to learn and post these ideas ....


HIVEZ Hive Z .... let's have a big discussion and recap ALL the previous Private Steem and Anonymous Hive projects like @privex and @steemanon @hiveanon @anonsteem @anonhive

Let's see what sort of integration ZEOS and Hive and Telos can all make together... maybe telos private will have a ZEOS style proposal system and clarion blog reward pools... for totally anonymous private decentralized companies on the dpos eosio edenos Gigadac

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