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Dear HiveDevs, I forsee several more forks over the years untill enough changes and REDISTRIBUTION of tokens have "fixed it" We need a new front end moderation system to replace downvotes!

I have realized HIVE is way too fragile to ever succeed without needing ANOTHER fork, just as STEEM had to fork to hive, and downvotes that alienate users is a big problem and could be easily addressed with negative renforcement vs punishment. Instead of negating peoples upvotes whohave already chosen to give you theri share of the reward pool, how about we convince them to remove those upvotes with a special warning system displayed above the flagged post, when flagged by an elected sherrif who is elected just liek a witness, and given the access to downvote powers, but they should have to come with a short report with links and images or text to prove like evidence that the user is spamming/scamming or violating rules, with a basic ability to dispute in the comments in full view of everyone publically transparently and fairly. This unfair system carried over from steem is 100% why hive is not higher price and why it never will be untill the catering to a dopamine rush of a few power tripping whales is given up for an actual innovative moderation system that simply depends on removing posts and then users completely from a front end like hive blog and its that simple. We should do away with downvote strength all together or limit its recharge power to 24 hours so you can only leave 1 big downvote a day and thats it, no more carpet bombing of entire accounts with hivepower thats obviously not worth much to anyone if they have nothing better to do with millions of it than to go against the ACTUAL wishes of the community and their voters, all because one person controls the power over some hive probably essentially ninja mined or earned by trading or airdropped from steem, not actually earned or purchased.

And this is a fact: downvotes will destroy hive because all it takes is one team from justin sun from steemit to buy 1 million hivepower or even 100,000 and just flag every single new user to 0 and make it impossible to actually join hive and enjoy it, ruining hive and its fragile state for everyone because we refused toi actuyally build a real moderation system that uses a social media blockchain and voting, instead we just rested on the current downvote system, and even made it EASIER to downvote with stupid pools so people can ownvote without worrying about even spending their money basically. SO now you can just go around ruining teh experience for hive users, while every other proof of stake blockchain out there is full ofusers staking and earning rewards,m while here we have to pass soem rediculous arbitrary political checkpoint to hget our staking rewards trapped in the reward pool. lol why?

Hive has no business with dopwnvotes, they do nothing as moderation like that and cleaning pam/.scams has no point if you have no users , and hive is empty liek a ghost town compared to steem in the good old days.

After seeing the steem hive wars I realize that a potential competitor wanting to bring down hive can so easily do it in a number of ways. Im going to be writing a long post heer and I apologize in advanced if some of you think thjis isnt "good enough" for the hive devs section, but beggers cant be choosers and I understand HIVE more than 99.0999% of people on earth because so few people even use hive , and many of you should be grateful that someone still cares and will hold your hands as your blockchain crumbles with exponential decay like steem as its inflation based system fails to create the demand to get users to buy up enough hivepower and stake it in the persuit of a social media experience that is actually FUN> by RUINING any last bitr of fun left over from steem with downvotes, hive has alienated many of its core users who were a canarry in the coal mine for people who may completely have disagreed with their radical libertarian anarchist views but who saw them as a test, and when they get pushed aside it means hive has failed that test and cant justify its purposeless existance. if hive is full of whales who can just start downvoting users who are obviously not spamming or breajking any rules, for some bullshit arbitrary reasons, then hive hasnt learned its lesson

that downvote system hive uses which could be tu7rned WAAAAY down and just use FLAGGING that doesnt effect the price buyt instead allows useers to decide toi REMOVE their votes in exchang for REWARDS , it would be like pyschology and the difference nbetween the failure of punishment and success of negative and positive renenforcement by simply taking away a reward from the actual person that voted for it, you get teh same effect but without the conflict

I am not just complaining about my own downvotes im getting no, this is beyond me. Bigger than me or a few users. If we dont stop these stupid downvotes from shooting hive in the foot we will never stop alienating users who each one can bring in a MILLION dollars over a life time. Many people heer are from wealthy nations and who make good income levels, and its not uncommon for the average western professional to be earning over a million dollars accumulated over a lifetime and when we have users addicted to investing with HIVE they can easily buy that much over a lifertime. were potentially missing out on so many people so much money so much capital why?

Because without a propper moderation system or even a good basic SOCIAL MEDIA FRONT end, were still stuick in the past in 2016 with steemit's condensor still going on , no compact reddit style view, no improvements just people still out there downvoting people off the platform, when we could be a freedom blockchain , WE COULD actually be a place where you an join, and just get removed from the FRONt end with good MODERATION tools wheer we all vote and have a court based discussion system, where peopel are forced to see logic and reason and present cases not just arbitrary harshness we have now OPEN TO BE EXPLOITED by ANYONE wanting to attack hive

Hive should have the ABILITY to allow witnesses or X amount of peopel with a few million hivepower to OVERRIDE all the downvote power of any one whale! This is a way we can SAVE certain people from bveing ATTACKED by lets say, JUSTIN SUN or CZi if they decided to tajke a few million HP and just DOWNVOTE EVERY single new user, all their comments and posst into $0 and obscurity, making them feel liek criminals, making their content look like they are now scammers, or spammers, hurting their reputation forever, on a blockchain they cant ever remove

Now, we have a situation where hive's LACK of any sort of downvote pool over ride , has resulted in the situation where anyone can buy a few hundred thousand hivepowqer and just attack every single new account with not just downvotes but comments autoamted bot comments telling people this new user is a criminal scammer for just USINg what CZ's friend Justin SUn has called a "darknet" on twitter lol. Yes he called hive a "darknet" becau7se itr was a fork of steem that he made us think he didnt understand when in reality justin sun knew exactlyt what he was doing and was trying to force hive to do all the development work out of anger (like trump after being to,d by obama he couldnt be president)

Theres a word for that inm sure, hate learning or revenge ambition wheer you try to acomplish somthing just because someone else said you cant.

Well I believe Justin SUn could quite easily buy a few hundred thousand hivepower and just start attacking every new user on hive, and to prevent this on steem all he would have to do is actually improve steemit with a very basic new content moderation for the front end, aqnd other front ends, a system that just censors scammers and spammers, let them post on chain but their posts wont show up anywhere, ad their rewards will just be basically like staking rewrdsm stop crying about it and realize you cannot stop everything.

Removing scammers/spammers from the front ends is te solution, and downvotes should be limited like in scotbot where you can change the settings for a custom scotbot reward pool token, and make downvote power MUCH smaller like 1%, so you need 100 steempower to give out what used to only tk 1 million, AND more importantly a RECHARGE TIME so that if you want to ever use these flags that actually do take down the rewards of a user, its one a day! or even a week! But a 24 hour recharge time is something we CAN set and increase in the scotbot configuration settings
and on the steem or hive blockchains! We can literally limit downvotes to once a day, i believe even if its split up it wont matter each one can made to cost so much resourcecredits that it just makes it so you CAN downvote a post but only ONE of their posts to send a signal, and even that may be thrown out.

We could see steem just get rid of downvotes all together by allowing downvotes to still show up as a flag and a WARNING sign to display over the post WARNING users in BIG RED LETTERS that the post should NOT be upvoted and that you should remove your upvote or risk being removed from the front end yourself if you are caught supporting tooi many users that the entrie community votes liek witness elections toi either kick or keep from the front end, but their uopvote rewards should not be interfered with, but you should be allowed to still upvote 1 or two of these type sof users who consistently get flagged.

But iyou should only be banned from the or front end website ONLY IF you have a consistent obvious PATTERN indicating direct support of a bot net etc, then you can be removed as punishment BUT supporting a controversial post witrh an upvote, when its just one flag on their post and not done everyday, could just be part of your freedom etc, and we could consider some sort of PRIVATE reward pool where you Sell you literally just power down and sell your hivepower for hive and send it to an account kind of like @likwid but for powerups so you get CREDITED with that amount of HIVE you send, minus a fee, and then you use something private like a discord or telegram BOT to dm and trigger upvotes (or downvotes) on any post link so that you are privately upvoting it by proxy. Even if its public that you sent hive to this service, if enough people use it it can be mixed well. But we can just have instructions for anonymously sending your hive to this anonymous upvote prixy service using an exchange or changenow or even hiveengine and blocktrades so you dont ever send any hive, you use btc or eth or ltc to deposit to hive and get your hive credited towards some shadow hivepower so you can finally upvote and even post things in peace anonymously and be paid even through something like a tipcc anonymizer or changenow

Flags are great but not when they actually take away the reward someone else already decided toi give out, making tehri stake worthless and making thsi whole system STUPID very STUPID ad allows the dopamine POWER TRIP rush for a FEW whales over ride the BILLIONS of potential dollars youc an amke off of just a few thousand users that you start alienating. If hive gets forked and gets redistributed and is FUN again liek steem used to be, theer sa great chyance even with a much smaller whale wallet thats been redistributed, youre whale account on a new fork with your FREE new tokens, even if smaller amounts, would be worth MORE than your larger bag of Hive BECAUSE a NEW fork of hive without the downvote power and just a system of flags that visually warns users with a big red sign that they should consider removing their upvote, THAT would make it worth investing in

And someone like CZ or justin sun with the resources could actually quite easily start spamming hive buying a few million hivepower JUST to downvote all the new users, and hah for really cheap just RUIN hive and force people onto a new fork or back to steemit where its centralization will allow them to change the rules and prevent people from being as free to post as much at teh same frequency, and even changing downvote power rules as one can do on steem engine or sorry hive-engine's scotbot configuration settings with all the rules you can change like a rules.ini file for starcraft or command and conquer modders :D

You can change the rules for downvote power for example, and make it so you can only do one downvote every day or week by making its "recharge time" incredibly slow for users hahaha now, or just LOWER the downvote power so even accounts with millions of steempower caj never give more than 1% of their previous downvote strength, basically making that style of attack impossible for hive users to do to steem in retaliation :D

ALl CZ or Justin Sun has to do is take 1 million Hivepower or actually even less than that like 500,000 HP or even 250,000 HP only spending like $100,000 USD and theyd be able to rent it cheaper but for only 10 days before it would be revoked, so they could try that but eventually all delegation leasing markets would be disabled, UNLESS private users realized they HAD To lease to the spammers, to make money off t heir hivepower as it starts sinking, theyll be forced to buy the spam downvoters lifeboats lol

with a few hundred thousand hivepower you can go around downvoting any new account automatically even with a simple bot ad make it hell for any new user making it game over essentially

you could actually take 1 million dollars and buy like 2.5 million hivepower or so right?" And then

if someoen wanted to itd be way too easy to really ruinhive for everyone if u had a tiny bit of money so a competitor to hive could easily take it down just liek hjustin sun provedu can do with steem
tehers gonna be a LOT more ways to bring it down that no opne has tried yet because no one has ghotten that pissed off yet, but tehers a lot of peopel from steem who feel hive scammed them or took away liquidity as if steemit "owned"their users liek slaves lol but stillthats teh sentiment, peopel still feel that way
and if u organized enuf angry steem users who never got intohive and saw it as just anotehr scam, one that tookj away from the MAIN steem scam they feel shouldhavebeen worked on insteads of just abaondoneing steem for hive and making everyone move without asking loil, its just funny tor realize how fragile hive really is and how the hive token has no future, because peopel will just fork hive, why would it if you can jyst fork steemand makehive? WHy wouldnt u keepgoinga dn fork hive and take awa even more whale accounts hive, like steem and hive do to each other lol, widdle it down even more

Why not go further and change the rules with a new fork and take even more hive away from ewhales and give itto users who actually post and curate and see what happens whenu actually do the equivalent of lets aay... a PAY RAISE or WAGE INCTREASE by forking hive, redistributing MUCH of the whales accounts to the list of "Activity whales" or "Posting" whales sopp as long as you are creating genuyine non automated non bot createdcontent , not on one of the actual spammer / bot lists , youd get paid in a redistribution of a NEW fork of hive

I believe twitter will use steemit (elon is friends with CZ who is friends with Justin Sun his "protoge"

I believe they created hive by forcing us to, with their attack on steemit forcing hive to be born

I believe they are simply waiting with steemit forhive to do all the work and then copy it all and put it intosteem which is still a very fertile womb soil of blockchain incubation just waiting there for hive to just fix itself and then steem will apply all of the fixes hive has developed, and copy it all to bring steem upo to speed, pay for marketing by using twitter andhaving steem accounts for every twitter account, making steem witrness node requirements like big data centers so they canhandl etwitter

thats it, twitter will use steem, yes elon ios that naive to just try that and it was proven by jack dorseys project blue sky white paper

this way they can use steem and maybe TRX for the whatsapp mega app elon wants to build , a super app payments all in one app liek the Chinese use with wechat, well maybe thats what steem tron and twitter and and maybe eos will all help elon musk do, maybe hell have you just export your twitter account with their built in tool to do so and upload it into a twitter dbuzz style front end using a fork of hive or steem

I believe hive will sort of be thrown away and discarded after helping train its replacement which could just be steem again or a new fork more likely

but yeah hive desperately needs a better content moderation system (or steem does to avoid retaliation after hive is attacked by its competitor, steem, when steem whales buy 1 million hivepower from a loan from justin sun, and use it to downvote every new user, justifying it by claiming hive "stole" its liquidity from steem lol
hive content moderation should depend no on downvoting rewards of posst but by convincing UPVOTERS to REMOVE those upvotes by presenting a clear warning with CLEAR reasons + EVIDENCE in the form of a LINK or a SCREENSHOT to an automaticly generated hiveblog report from the blog of a VERIFIED downvoter, so we will register a type of sherrifs whoMUST be votedin to go around and be downvoters

Having MONEY does NOT qualify you to be a police officer. If you want to bea hive cop you have to be VOTED IN like a witness liek a sherrif, THATS SO IMPORTANT we dont have UN ELECTED self apointed peopel running around liek steemcleaners downvoting people arbitrarily with no reason

the downvote should show a FLAG on a post, with a warning and a clear screenshot thumbnail to the evidence that shows WHY this user is being flagged with a warning that convinces you to remove your upvote and a CLEAR button to vote to REMOVE that flag with enough upvotes or, clear counter arguments made in the comments like this:

(This Warning Box with links to the report with evidence and buttons for disputing and removing your vote will replace the current system of unilateral un elected downvotes. The punishment here resulting from a post being flagged high enough is its removal from the and other front ends via blacklist and eventually their account all together. But rewards would be intact. Because its better to let 100 guilty person profit than take away the honest pay of 1 innocent person.)


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