Up You Go! Kids natural talent and fitness.

Now a days, we hardly find kids playing outside. They prefer to surf over the internet or watch some videos by sitting within the comfort of home. These are common scenarios in cities, but when it comes to villages, the scenario is completelly opposites. Kids just love to come out in open and do all kind of activity, few likes to play and few like to do acrobats. My little 8 years old nephew is of a different nature, he likes to jump whenever he can, whereever he want. Looking this unique ability I named him jumping jack.


Last few weeks he is giving me company, in my evening walk. And while I enjoy, walking, he is seen jumping anywhere and everywhere. Not only this, he asks me to make videos. He reviews them instantly and try to figure out his mistake. Which I belive is a good sign to mend the mistakes. Few days ago, he climbed upon a 10 Feet boundary wall and jumped. I was shocked but he was perfectly OK and was smiling. His grandfather did scolded him, and me. But he did not stopped joining me in my walk.

on his run up for a jump

Kids are known for their agility and flexibility. But he seems to posses some extra talent. You can not made him stand straight & still even for a minute. And I am watching this in him since he was born. He can easily jump from a height,climb upon tree, a boundary wall woth ease and so far did not harmed himself in anyway. Looking at his strange ability, I started to guide few things to groom him better. He can jumps, on a run up or by standing still. I compiled all his videos for future memory.

on the air, before landing

There were long trenches and ditches all over my walking path. And he made use of them. Jumping in those sand and mud are little risk. Due to rain they are wet too. Still these trenches have a good more than 8 feet of height. Apart from jumping, he is very agile in climbing up from those trenches without any support. Even when the soil is slippery due to rain, he easily hike without much support. Kidd of his age scaling upward on these trenches is like climbing a mountain.

climbing up from the trenches

At his age and size, it is like hiking on a mountain. More noteworthy, he is wearing only a slippers, and no sports shoes or boots. He loves to spoil himself in the mud and soil. He is good in balancing himself nicely. His slim agile body make it look natural. He easily get on top from the ditch so comfortably. He is quick and cute too.

on top of the trenches without any support

He was bit caught up with his standing jumps. Where I asked him to follow few tricks, like bending the knees, and then spreading legs in air to reach farther distance. He is now confident with this jumps too.

on the mark

pulling up in air

ready for landing, near the surface

This is where a city kids differs from a village kid. They have some natural talent You can see this behind my nepgew cute looking face. He is naughty, he is agile, he is quick, he is athelitic, he is very acrobats. But what more one could expect from an 8 years old. His grandfather wanted him to stop doing all these, while I try to encourage him, but within a limit. Not sure if I am doing the right thing or not?


He is very interested and excited doing all these acrobats, not for the camera but for himself. I can see his happiness, and crazyness. I admire it! Kids of his age are scared of doing any physical act and he is performing all kind of stunts. Surely a blessed kid. A natural stuntman or athlete in preparation.


Namaste @steemflow

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