Portable solar panel test

Yesterday, the portable solar panel I ordered arrived. I decided to unbox it and test it with the power bank right away.

I decided to order a different brand than the one of the power bank as there was a considerable price difference. The unit can take up to 200Watt out of a solar panel and the one I ordered is a 100watt.

Of course, these are specs under optimal sun conditions, never expect to reach that amount for a long while.

The panel comes with a bunch of different connections to be compatible with most power bank brands. It also offers two positions at 30° and 60°. You can directly see in the screen the power you are getting. It was the afternoon I used the 60° position and I was getting 58Watt.

I then decided to changed to 30° and slightly faced the panel directly to the son and the charging power went up to 67Watt.

The unit was at 60% of its capacity when I was testing to charge with the panel. I took about 4hr to reach 100%. when the screen shows 0Watt

I'll keep testing some more days with both inlet and outlet power at the same time to see how the unit responds, so far it is meeting my expectations.

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