Setting Up My Bear Bait Site!

Greetings fellow outdoors enthusiasts!

I would say I had a weekend most definitely well spent! With Spring Bear Hunting Season just around the corner opening in about a couple of weeks, I spent the weekend prepping and setting up my bear bait site.

This is my 2nd year hunting, and my first time hunting for bear!

Day 1:

We started off by finding a spot with good cover and a mix of pine, poplar and oak trees along with a variety of shrubs and bush. We then terraformed a small clearing within that area of about 20 yards diameter using a chainsaw and weed wacker. We also created a small discreet trail to get in and out of the spot from where the truck would be parked off the roadside.

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Day 2:


The bait we're using is 300lbs of feed corn and 200lbs of oats. Packaged in 50lb bags and the spot being inaccessible by ATV (also the fact that I don't own one lol) I had to carry the bags in by hand over my shoulders. It was a great workout to say the least!

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As a topper for the bait site, we are also using used restaurant fryer grease, along with some home-made boiled jello, marshmallow & a ton of sugar mixture to pour on the bait, on the trees, and around the site.

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Our SECRET INGREDIENT for the site are beaver carcasses from the beaver's we've trapped over the season (20+ beavers) - If you don't know already, apparently beaver meat/carcass is one of the TOP BAITS for calling in any predator!

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Finally it was time to pour the baits in the barrels and around the sites.

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And set up the spot and shooting lane for the tree stands. I'm using a Summit Viper Self Climbing Stand here in the pic.

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Lastly, a trail cam so we can see what kind of action we get on the bait site over the next couple of weeks before the season opens which will give us a good idea of what to expect and if we should make any changes if necessary!

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And finally the prep work is done! Now the excitement of the waiting game until season opener!!

I can't say enough how excited I am to do my first bear hunt. And putting in this kind of work to get it prepped is way more satisfying than just paying for a guided hunt.

I LOVE DIY hunting & outdoors! Figuring it out as you go is part of the fun!!

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I've heard some folks criticize hunting bear over bait as too easy and requiring no effort, well, perhaps they have never set up a bear bait site because there was ALOT of work done lol Though I would agree with that saying to some degree however, here in Manitoba where I hunt there just simply isn't any hills or mountains where we can go and do a "spot and stalk" style hunt. The bears here reside in thick bush and you're going to be shooting from within 100 yards - therefore the bait method is more prevalently used here.

Have you hunted bear before? How did you go about it, spot and stalk or baited? How was your experience?

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