Getting back into the flow

Rebuying outdoor gear!

I have lived outdoors since many many years, but since being in México due to the project (That is looking for silent investor - get in touch!) I have been living in a normal house.

Soon its time to go relocate and get back to vanlife, and up until a couple of weeks ago, I had everything I needed to be confortable living outside. After getting robbed, and then the rest of my things getting buried in a landslide/ building collapse, all my cool stuff was gone. This time around though, its a struggle with no finances!

I did save my hammok from the mud, and some cooking pots, but nothing else really. Oh my boots and jacket were saved too.

I am so thankful my boots were saved!

They are made by Crispi, and I highly recommend this brand for hardcore outdoor living and wearing them every day. I guess as they are an italian company, any real Crispi boot here would cost a bomb

I havent managed to find treatment for them yet, because I only come across normal shoe polish haha..

I went to the same place were I brought the last knife I had, my previous one I had to use as a bribe to the mexican Police whilst in the car as I had no money on me then.

He didnt seem to have many knifes on show, but I dodnt have anything with a blade on it and even living in a room in a house you need a knife for jobs now and then. I picked out this one for 100 peso, after looking at another. Most knifes and tools in mexico are made by Lion Tools, not much variety in the markets and shops.

It doesnt have a lock mechanism, but hey, its a sharp bit of metal!

I got this Multitool from online after having my new Leatherman stolen, I couldnt afford another real deal right now so after being inspired to check out cheapy replicas, I decided to try out the cheapeast one online in mexico, and not even bother with a LETTERMAN.

It arrived not so long ago, costed with delivery a whopping 10usd! Ofcourse you feel the difference between the read deal, but this one isnt boasting to be even a replica of anything haha

First thing I noticed is that it has a spring - but apart from that it seems ok, especially for the price!

Not bad, not bad..

Have a great sunday!

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