Blueberry Abundance In The Forest 🫐🫐 🫐

Since I moved from Stockholm to the countryside in Sweden I'm spending far more time outdoors and lately, I have spent a lot of time in the forest. Two days ago I went with my mom to pick blueberries, I thought of a suitable community to post in, and after having read the posting guide and rules for Outdoors and more I hope this post will meet the criteria.

I love blueberries and this year I thought it would be nice to pick some. Even though it's not really that pleasant in the forest at the moment, it's a bit too warm and humid and there are lots of mosquitoes. I had already got bitten quite badly the day before when I was out on a mushroom hunt (a separate post about that will come). But hey, it's worth it for the treasuries you find πŸ™‚ (That's also why it's kind of hot out in the forest because it's necessary to wear long sleeves and trousers in order to protect yourself from the mosquitoes).


Anyway, we went to a place close by where we knew blueberries usually grow. Blueberries often grow in a pine forest (unlike chanterelles, they often like firs, I have learned). It's also more likely to find blueberries at an elevation. We didn't have to walk long uphill though.


I think this was the first time this year that I saw Heather. Definitely feels like Autumn is soon upon us...It's beautiful though.


Blueberries were everywhere! As you might spot in the picture below, cowberries were also growing among the blueberries. They ripen a bit later in the season though. I'm not that fond of cowberries as they are not as sweet as blueberries, you kind of have to add sugar and I don't like that.


I should probably say that we did have berry pickers, we didn't pick the blueberries one by one. (Even though I tasted quite many haha).


It only took an hour or so for the two of us to have 10 liters.


We had brought some coffee in a thermos so we enjoyed a short break, enjoying the view.


Then we picked some more, about 15 liters in total. We could have picked a lot more, there was really an abundance of blueberries but then you also have to take care of the berries once you get back. (I.e. sort of the berries from leaves etc). I would like to return and pick more though, but for that, I need to buy a bigger freezer. I store some at my mom's but her three freezers are already quite full! I'm thinking of buying a dehydrator though, that would also be good for mushrooms. Let's see what happens πŸ™‚


It's really an amazing feeling to eat food that you have grown yourself or picked out in the forest. But yes, it also takes time. When I lived in the city and worked full-time, this wasn't something I felt I had the time for. Luckily my situation is different now.

(Most of the blueberries I picked I'll add to smoothies, I seem to never get tired of blueberry smoothies) πŸ™‚

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Thanks for reading 🌸

Wishing you a lovely day πŸ’š

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