Firing Day | A Stress Free Day


Good day, Hive and how's everyone... How do you do...?

As I have stated in my intro blog, I worked with the Police Officers in our community. Have you ever wondered if I have a gun? Well if you'll ask me, the answer is NO, I don't have. Unlike Police Officers, they have their issued handguns and long firearms.

The perk of being in this kind of working environment is that I got the chance to hold one. I got the chance to fire a gun - on a firing range of course. Our Chief of Police initiated a firing session in our firing range located at Brgy. Kal-anan, Tabogon, Cebu together with the stakeholders in our Municipality, we organized them as Municipal Advisory Council.

Let me tell you what is Municipal Advisory Council is. It is a group of stakeholders in our municipality that supports the activities and programs of our local PNP. It composed from different sectors in our community such as: Academe, Religious, Business, Youth, LGBTQ, NGOs, Women sector and PWDs.

Before doing this activity, we have to be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally. This is not just an ordinary activity, it is a challenge - for some of us. We might get anxious or shocked when we first fired a gun because of its loud bang. It may cause panic if you are not used to the sound when you fire a gun.

The main activity



We are having a shooting activity and we will be guided and supervised by well-trained personnel. We will be using different kinds of firearms. There are short and long firearms. A few of them were the Glock, Galil, shotgun and M16 and we are lucky to hold and blast them.



We are closely supervised by our Police Officers and Firing Range Officers. They show us first how to properly handle a gun. You have to have the proper grip on the handle. The gun will bounce back or recoil so you have to be attentive and ready, that is why proper handling and solid grip are very important. You must not point the gun elsewhere after shooting. Make sure to concentrate on the activity.


You have to make a good posture of your body by properly positioning your feet for you to be able to support your whole body. Making proper body posture will make you still when you fire the gun. You have to maintain balance so that you will not be pulled back during the recoil.



How to fire a gun

  • Aim the target board;
  • Hold the grip solidly;
  • Support the hand holding the grip with your other hand strong enough to resist the recoil;
  • Put the magazine;
  • Align the sights (blurred clear blurred - meaning blurred rear sight, clear front sight and blurred target);
  • Put your index finger in the trigger guard and when you're ready;
  • Pull the trigger


We are then, one by one able to fire a handgun or short firearm. Don't think that firing a gun is just as easy as one, two, or three because it is not. You have to keep the composure of yourself, be focused, and enjoy. This is one of our stress relievers. When I hear the discharge of the gun, I can feel that my burden was lessened. It is as if when the ammos fly together with my worries and think that they were gone.


This activity we made was to keep our organization strong. We keep the bond, and a lot of conversations have been made while doing this activity.


I am so proud of myself that I was able to aim at my target and hit the no. 9 as a point indicator. It was indeed a goal for every shooter. My colleagues are very supportive and cheering on me from the very start.


As ender of this activity, we headed to Cafe by the Sea located Barangay Muabog of this municipality to hold our dinner. Indeed a very nice experience and an unforgettable one. We have discussed on how we spent our day and tackled on our next activity.

That's all for my outdoor experience. See you around and God bless Us all.

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