The loan


“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

John Bunyan

I classify myself as a generous man. I'm giving of myself: Time, knowledge, wisdom and skills plus tend to be generous by nature with material things and financially. This doesn't mean I give blindly or indiscriminately, just that I have a generosity-ethos and quite enjoy it. This does not extend to my firearms though. They don't get loaned out. Ever. Like, never. Ever. Never ever. Ever.

Got it?

But there was that one time

In my country firearms laws vary State by State and here where I live firearms can be loaned to others provided they hold the appropriate licensing and can meet the legislative requirements for storage. So, I'd not loan one of my handguns to a person who did not have an H-class license like I do for instance.

There's a time limit for the loan, paper-scribbling and signatures, firearms license numbers and all, but the process is remarkably easy. Naturally one would not loan a firearm to someone once didn't know very well. Like I said, I never do it.

Not too long ago though a person I know asked to borrow a firearm of mine, as seen above, as they had a specific use-case for such a firearm but not the firearm itself.

He asked quite timidly knowing I'd say dafuq, are you mad bro?

Not one to let him down, that's exactly what I said. We talked it over though and before long I was bagging up one of my favourite rifle-systems, scribbling on paper and handing it over for the prescribed and legislated allowable period. I handed him a heap of ammunition too - He's a good mate and I wanted to help him out.

That was a few weeks ago and yesterday my baby came back home - Not my mate, the rifle! He unzipped the bag and pulled it out to show me, clearing it and showing me it was clear before he handed it to me of course. I checked it over and found it to be in the same pristine condition I handed it to him in; this means the same scratches, nicks and dents that were on it when he took it. I was satisfied, he was grateful and that was that.

I believe when we show generosity, no matter how large or small it sticks with us. It's like an investment as such and the more we put in the more we get out.

I'll be honest and say I was worried about my rifle, it's a very expensive system and I'm not rich or anything - Replacing it would be problematic. But helping this guy out like I did, sending my rifle away with him, felt good and that outweighed the worry I held about the rifle itself, a material item after all. Replaceable, if with great difficulty.

People who know me know I don't keep score of favours and generosity like this; I give without expectation of receiving in kind but in truth something always comes back somewhere along the line. For me generosity is a strength and it's those who have the strength of character to be generous, no matter what form it takes, are happier than those who do not; sure one may get used and abused for it at times, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Comment below if you agree or disagree or your own story of giving or receiving generosity.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

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