Fishing for Views

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate what else is a lot of fun about fishing: the beautiful views it offers!


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Fishing for Views

My son and I are addicted to fishing for sure, we try to go as often as we can while the weather cooperates. This worked out for us recently and we were able to get out there to do some fishing since it's been a few weeks since we went and what was amazing was just the relaxing views that it offered where we went!

There are a lot of places around us to go fishing, one of the important things for me when we are looking at moving to a new area eventually. Having easy access to various waterbodies is such an important element for us, the entertainment factor of it is important but just being outside in the beauty of nature has been such a wonderful element to going fishing. I know that I didn't really appreciate it as much when I was younger but I certainly have been trying to make up for it these days!


When we go fishing, it's definitely a good thing to not leave empty handed! LOL My son was able to catch a couple fish, and even a bass which was great! Never mind that it was the smallest bass of the year :D. I don't mind when we don't catch anything, because it's important to just be out there, in nature and spending quality time with my son however it's always more enjoyable when you catch at least something even if it's nothing to write home about. Small fish for a small dude! Well sadly.. not as small any longer.

It does make me think about how much he has grown, and chokes you up a little bit. I know as parents we know that they will eventually grow up and it's remarkable and enjoyable watching them as they grow up but there is still that little bit of sadness thinking of the precious moments when they were smaller. It's remarkable for sure how much we change as parents, and how much we learn as we are going. Not everybody does, unfortunately, but the ones who really care about their kids will. I guess the post has gone in a different direction than I thought it would lol that's what happens when we get inspired though!


We've been to this place once or twice before but we were on the other side, that other shore you can see over there but to the left. It was a lot different than this one let me tell you! I know that we will be back here to this spot, I found it far more enjoyable than the other side was and less crowded with people. Granted the other side did have a nice park and stuff for families and kids which was certainly nice. I enjoy the trees and more quiet nature of this side here much more to the busyness of the other side. The fishing was closer as well which was nice!

I certainly enjoyed standing there at my car for a few minutes and just taking in the sights of the beautiful spot that we were at, knowing that we are lucky to live and do the things that we do. Eventually we will be able to come back here with a kayak or canoe, so that we can really explore the surrounding zones and see if we can get any better fishing. The one challenge is that this place doesn't allow waders, which is our go-to easier access to the areas that we visit but that's okay. I know that I appreciate restrictions like this to keep the quality of the water and area cleaner. Sadly people are very well known for being assholes and destroying an area when there aren't restrictions.. but that is a discussion for another post lol.


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