My first outdoor adventure with my family this year 2024!


My first outdoor adventure with my family this year 2024!

It was very evident on my previous blogs how much my family love outdoor adventure. There is no doubt that almost everyone of us are really into nature trippings. We love outdoor trips to the point that we always opted to celebrate every occassions outside. Just like this day on how we planned to celebrate the first day of the year 2024.


On the 1st day of January, one of my sister suggested to spend the day outside especifically to the nearest river in our community and of course everyone agreed to her. That's why we did not waste any minute and prepared everything we need. And when we were all set, we traveled just 20 minutes just to arrived in our destination.

During our ride going to the river, we were amazed how magnificent the scenery was! We could see the beautiful mountain ranges and the greenery of rice fields. Seeing those gorgeous scenery really gave us the province vibes.



When we have arrived to our destination, we just set up a little tent to make a shade on our spot. And then the kids hurriedly swim in the water. The crystal clear water was very inviting as if it's asking everyone to have a swim. That's why even some of the adults of the family cannot stop theirsleves from swimming.



After swimming, the adults prepared our foods. We did a boodle fight again. A common way of eating in banna leaves of Filipinos. We have prepared some grilled fish, boiled vegetables, and the buttered seafoods that was a leftover from new year's eve celebration. And for our dessert, we sliced a big watermelon to enjoy!


After we ate, we took some lovely photos for our remembrance!



That's all for today loves! See you again on my next outdoor adventure!
-chica valiente

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