Lane Creek, Oregon to Spokane, Washington

Family in the Time of Covid

What can I say about Lane Creek Campground? This is the 3rd time I've used it, and I seem to like it better each time. Well, except for having the creeping crud that is covid. That wasn't the best part.

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I had spent 2 nights right here. On the third morning I felt a lot better and headed out to find a Covid Test to confirm what I already knew.

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I tried to get gasoline in Ukiah, Oregon. There is one credit card only gas pump in Ukiah and it was broken. I figured I could make it to Pilot Rock, OR with ease. I made it, but I cut it pretty thin. I ran out of gas as I pulled up to the pump block in Pilot Rock. Been a minute since I ran completely out of gas...

I did find a test in Pilot Rock. Not one for sale, I masked up and the gas station lady told me to check at the grocery across the street. They didn't have one for sale but the guy that owned the store had one in his pickup AND HE GAVE IT TO ME. An act of human kindness in the extreme.

So I pulled into the dead end street and took the test while sitting on my trailer. It took about 2 minutes to get two bars, I had it for sure.

My plan was to go back to Lane Creek and stay another day or two until I didn't test positive. I texted my brother in Kennewick WA, my next scheduled stop. He called before I'd even stood up and told me to come to his place.

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Turns out he and Joan had both had it less than a month before, and also that their house had closed since I'd had cell coverage. I wasn't allowed to stay until the contract was signed. So that's where I went. Pretty nice view of the Columbia, you think?

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I'm going to miss that house. I've stayed there at least 10 times and they had a room they sort of considered mine. Direct access to a bathroom and the kitchen so I could get up at my normal 0400 and not bother them at all. That deck was a great place to drink coffee and watch the world go by.

I can't express how grateful I am to Randy for having me come stay there. As it turns out, I tested positive for better than a week, though I was convinced I wasn't contagious and spent a bit of that week at my sister Robin's place in Spokane. With complete disclosure, of course. We spent 4 days cooking (she's really good with a wood pellet grill) and just visiting.

Randy is the brother I was raised with. Robin is one of the three I 'found' in 2020-my birth family. After 4 nights with Robin I went to sister Julie's place for another 4 night stay.

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Julie's far back yard

My birth family are old car freaks and gardeners-among other things. My BIL Hal spent the whole time I was there trying to catch this little rabbit. Reminded me some of Elmer Fudd and Bugs.

Hal and Julie are also way into yard art. It's a seriously peaceful place to hang out. Even with 2 long haired Dachshunds to carry on with.

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Here is a bird house Hal made-it's on the way back fence, their property continues to the trees, but they have the excess leased to their neighbor. Works out great for both of them.

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I spent a full week with my brother Larry. The Pelican was made by a fairly famous sculptor neighbor who Larry did some work for in trade. Said it was the only way he could get the bird :) This is their 'private' back yard, a just wonderful space.

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This is the more public part of their yard, where they host friends and family on a regular basis. Larry's garden is straight through the structure, Kristy's is frame right. They get along better after 45 years if they have their own garden spaces. :)

I was sad when I left Larry's. Not just for the obvious reasons, but from there on I was on the way home.

I know this has gotten long, and not too outdoorsy, but bear with me for one more picture.

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What? Miranda (Larry's oldest daughter) had decided she wanted to get a chainsaw for her husband for their anniversary. She recruited Hal (BIL) and Larry and I to price saws all over north Spokane. Through it all Larry decided he needed a new saw so gave his son-in-law his bigger, heavier saw. The first day he had it we took it out and he knocked down 12 trees as part of a yard expansion project. No big deal you say?

He also saved his daughter from buying her husband an appliance for their anniversary. She had to go find something a bit more romantic than a chain saw.

All words and photographs in this post are mine. For better or worse.

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