Have you ever talked to nature?

I headed north of the city, as far north as possible to get out of the city and find a clean, fresh environment, in the sense of peace of mind.


The city has many natural environments away from people, all around it. Forests, bush, mountains, forest parks, sea and much more.


To the north there are hills and mountains. Not very high, but high enough to create a microclimate together with the sea. I always say that the climate is totally different from the rest of the country, and nature is responsible for that.

A perfect synchrony between the distribution and shape of the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, make the climate always stable and the temperature changes never abrupt.

To the north, there are mountains to the north. Have you ever talked to nature, asked her questions or had a conversation? Remember we are part of it.

A big bridge divides the city from the space free of people, cars, hustle and bustle and you find after that bridge sounds that sweetly intervene in the most beautiful silence.


It is not necessary to talk to nature out loud, she listens to us even when we do not utter a word, because she is from the beginning of everything and understands all languages, even silence and thought.

I climbed a fairly steep stretch, where at times I seemed to be short of breath or required more effort.


But just before I found myself well to the north where I hit the stones, the elevations and the big rocks I met beings who came out to speak to me.



A small forest before the barren land.

-Hello. - said one of the trees.

-Are you looking for someone? - A pine tree said to me.

-What are you doing here, all alone? - Said a small wild flower.

-There are no people here, why do you walk in these places? - Said a rock that crossed my path.


I thought I was crazy, I think I definitely am, but listening to nature is amazing, it always is.


-I come here because it is the perfect place to breathe. - I answered them.

-But in the city there is no oxygen? - said the pine tree.

-Yes, there is oxygen, but I'm not looking for that kind of air, but one that cleanses the mind and fills the heart.

-Then you have come to the right place. - Said the little flower.

-Why don't you stay with us for a while instead of going to the high mountain? - Said the little rock. - Even though I am small, I am also a rock and I have life. - It went on.


I thought for a moment and the place looked so beautiful, there were trees, rocks, paths, lots of vegetation and some with fruits and flowers.

-Why not? - I said. - I can stay here with you for a while and chat and you can tell me interesting things about this place.

-People forget that we are always there for them, that without us there would be no life on earth. - The tree with its old trunks said to me sadly.

-I am a small flower, and that's why the few people who come here don't see me. - The little flower said to me very sadly.


They all seemed very sad because the world doesn't notice how important every detail of what surrounds us really is, of the great simplicity of life.

I saw their little faces looking at the earth as if waiting for a word of encouragement, something that would motivate them to continue giving life and keeping human beings alive. Because yes, nature is what allows us to live and we overlook it.


It is true, people are so busy in their so-called real life, that they forget the essence of life and the small or rather the big details that make them alive. - I said to them. - But they should not be sad but look at the great work they do every day making it possible for human beings to breathe, to give them an example.

-Do you think that one day man will understand the truth and look at us as the source of life? - The pine tree said to me.

-I sincerely hope so. - I replied.



We all looked out into the distance at the city, and we all watched as every day there was less green among them, less flowers, more smoke and less life.

It is not necessary to use words to talk to flowers, trees and life, it is only necessary to feel it in our hearts and appreciate what, without asking for anything in return, they give us. Appreciating it would make us protect it more and thus love the natural space more.


All photographs are my own.

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