Botanical garden of Malaga 🌲 Hiking - Spain


I had planned to walk through the whole botanical garden in one day or rather one afternoon, but that was just an illusion.

The botanical garden of Malaga has more than 29 hectares of extension and it is impossible to visit it all in one go, I would rather say that I would need several days.




But this time I focused on a place I had not seen before. The garden has a special area for hiking, at the top of the garden, and from there I had read about it. There are incredible views.
Not only can you see the city in the distance but also the nature reserve of the Montes de Málaga.

The garden has countless species of shrubs, trees, plants, flowers and from that height you have a beautiful view of all that natural beauty.




As I said I had never been there before, so the walk was quite an expectation, I didn't know what I was going to find, nor what the path would be like. I did know that on one side there is a cliff, so part of the route has protection for all those people who want to hike in those places.

I started the walk a bit winding, many small slippery rocks and the terrain was a bit high, so it was difficult to climb, especially with a backpack with some weight. Water was a must.




It was a sunny day, although not so hot, but the climb was difficult.

On the way I came across old trees, too many years old. Trunks, forgotten on the path, remnants of old trees that were no longer there.

The earth was partly reddish, partly black and partly lighter, and the rocks on one side were black as if they were volcanic. I love to admire these great little things in nature.




I leaned out as far as I could, of course, taking care not to fall, to admire the height, the species and the lushness of the greenery.

There are supposed to be species of animals around such as squirrels, chameleons and various frogs, but I could only see squirrels, by the way, so fast that I didn't have time to photograph them. Beautiful and cute. If I had wanted to see any chameleons, I'll see them next time.




The path became thin in some stretches, rocks and trees on one side and nothingness on the other.

The ascent also became less steep and it was easier to walk in the sunshine. Every now and then I stopped to look back and admire what I had walked, like life itself, and then continued.

The most difficult thing was the small rocks that could make you slip, but if you knew how to walk on them and wore good shoes, there were no problems.




The descent was quite steep and I made it quite carefully, ending up on a stretch of path full of pyramidal pines.

And this is the end of this great little section of the botanical garden, I still have a long way to go, but I will enjoy it step by step.




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Thank you all for watching and reading this far, I hope you enjoy this outdoor adventure that I was fascinated to do.

Best regards to all of you, see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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