A letter to her. 🌱


How much harm is being done to you by man, a species that often does not love itself and even less will love what you represent for the planet.

Perhaps the harm that each of us individually does to you is not much, but together it adds up and affects you.

There is a much greater harm though, which is that which is allowed by those who govern us, how many things they do to you beloved nature.

I wonder if human beings will ever become aware of the chaos they cause, of how it hurts you deep down that they often don't take you into account.

The future does not look good, neither for man as a race nor for you mother nature. If only they would take a little more care of you, every grain of sand counts.

Big government projects for the benefit of economic interests without looking at the fact that this is the only planet we have and that we have to take care of it. They attack you again and again with things that are often unknown to most of us.


But I can tell you that there are many people who love you very much, who do their part to make sure you are well. We may not be the majority, but I am writing this letter to you on behalf of all of them. Because we respect you and try to take care of you, even if our actions are often obscured by the great destruction, felling of trees for construction, arson, things in the air, altering the weather in various ways and even rain or catastrophes.

I know that most of the time it is not you that causes that, and other times maybe you react like a big cry to man's contempt.

Many times I try to imagine what you would be like if human beings didn't exist, I think paradise is a word that is too little. But of course I wouldn't be there to see that wonder, it's on another plane.

I wonder what will be your future dear nature, the future of every flower, every tree, every drop of the sea and every cloud in the sky, I don't even know if the clouds are yours or something artificial nowadays.

What will be the future of every butterfly that flies between your arms and of every trill of birds that echoes between the great mountains and the thick forests.

What will be the future of the various species of fish, and inhabitants of the sea and of every habitat on this earth.


If man takes conscience.... I wonder if there will be time to heal your wounds. I know you cry every day because you are in pain, but remember that many of us do love you and although the love is silent, we bring it to you as best we can.

I want to hope for your future and I try to close my eyes and imagine what you would be like without all that hurt. You are so beautiful.

I wish everyone loved you as much as you love all of us, and give us every day, the chance to live.

Hugs you tight. I Amonet and all those who join their energy to you every day.

All photographs are my own.

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