Catalans on Hive Online Meet


When I joined Hive (three years ago) there was a fantastic active user, Marie, who took a lot of time to put together several meetings to get the local community together.

I attended two of them and it was great to meet in person some of the users I had been interacting with over time. We have not had the chance to meet for a while and now with Covid19, that is just impossible.
I was thinking we could do what everyone else does, Meet online :)

To make things easier I am proposing a day and time to the group, we can change if most of the people have an issue as the idea is to be as many as possible.

I propose to meet next Friday night at 10 pm.

I am including here the list of identified people I have, please add anyone I may be missing and reply to this post letting me know if you plan to attend. The meeting is open to anyone who wants to attend, not just the ones in the community.

During the week if enough of us want to move forward, I will post the meeting link.

So far the ones I have identified are:


Feel free to invite anyone you want.

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