Ducat Faucet

First testrun

Open the tap for a fellow Hiver.

The bot has been activated

Thanks to Holger80 automated interacting in an easy manner with the Hive blockchain is as easy as pie. And as I wanted to give some unused hardware a second life some Python software Holger80 made like Beem, Hive-Engine and Distribubot came in handy. As the hardware are two unrooted Android devices this had some challenges to it. Termux (installed via F-Droid) was the answer to a lot of those challenges. Still no rooted systems, but enough Linux available to get stuff working. The X96 Mate+ Mediabox stayed a bit of a pain in the neck. Seems Termux does not like Android 10 TV that much. Something I can totally understand, it is awful.

Luckily there also was a Xiaomi Redmi 5+ with a broken screen available. Put a protector screen on it, so I would not cut my fingers on the broken glass. And it still worked like a charm, while the screen was still readable enough to be useful. Got Termux running, Python worked, had a Desktop installed and was able to use it remotely via TigerVNC. Installed Holger80 his software to be used with the HIVE blockchain and I was ready to go... Well, not quite yet, but it is quite a boring story, with lots of curses and even some more cursing. Finally I got the bot running. And the TokenKing account will function as a the treasurer for the DUCAT faucet.

Here is how it works

If you want to turn the faucet tap open to have it send DUCAT to an account you have to use this command: !DUCAT And that may be followed by a number between 1 and a 1000. There is a catch though. Using this command is done in a reply and if all goes well the (distribu) Bot will take notice. But you have to make sure that you at least have 10'000 DUCAT in your (Hive-Engine) Wallet. And for every 10K that you own you can open the tap of the faucet wider. When you have 10 million DUCAT the tap opens up to its maximum. And the faucet will spew out a 1000 DUCAT towards the member you replied to. It is a kind of a trickle-down construction I guess and it could be more fun than to just give it away.

It is still in its beta stage as I do not know if the hardware will hold. And I might make some changes in between. The TokenKing account might use too many resources. So I might need to delegate some of my Oaldamster account to it. Or run the bot from this account. Anyway, you can already have a go at it. The faucet will pay the DUCAT to the member you are replying to. So all you have to do is make sure you have 10'000 DUCAT in your wallet. And it does not have to be staked. (DUCAT cannot be staked anyway.)

There are some ideas I have to extend this, but for now this is just like getting wine and beer. As far as I know DUCAT is pretty cheap, so to get to 10'000 is probably not gonna cost a lot of HIVE. Hive-Engine, Tribal DEX and maybe some others do offer a DUCAT to HIVE exchange. (No Diesel-SWAP, yet.) So, no guarantees, but have fun giving it a go and make others happy with some free DUCAT.

Have a great one!

Give some honey using the DUCAT faucet!

Ducat brand, logo and design by Oaldamster.

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