fake arkinvest SCAM on youtube right now using the Youtube Live stream of Kathy Woods Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk talking about 2nd layer scaling of Bitcoin

this is a scam, theyre using the real arkinvest live streams of kathywoods and elon talking about second layer solutions for scaling BTC


ghahaha OBVIOUS SCAM but just be car5eful because it LOOKS like the correct color scheme lol

One day we may even see some sort of ark invest Telos Decide system for voting on proposals created by share holders of various companies to decentralize decision making by stakeholders using hive/steem originated dpos / eosio software that we can stake historic clout claim to by screaming WE WERE FIRST, and YOUR TRILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS run on Software WE developed in our TREEHOUSES, GARAGES, and BASEMENTS (as all good software is)

Whoever made these designs has a good eye, haha looks like @telosnetwork style hahaha

and elons talking about starlink and blockchain and defi hahaha

haha elon laughs and says something about an ascii text ledger?

And he mentions how someone with a Laptop in N... from the 90s .. lol he almost said laptop from Nigeria .. and stopped himself.. but he should keep going, let teh world ask him what he can do about Nigeria, and explain that Tesla can do more in Software and Blockchain UBI for Nigeria than energy right now... with the blockchain social media HIVE ubi from upvotes for discussing tesla and renewable energy, they can then start pooling their crypto locally to buy tesla products liek solar and power walls or mega packs.

In fact hive beneficiary rewards and eosio telos decide and wax nfts can be used as a way to create income savings accounts or T bonds Tesla Bonds to save up for tesla products using savings tools and ubi social media dapps like hive so users hive rewards go to a 1-99% beneficiary account reward pool that is reserved for them to earn a Tesla energy product or even a robo taxi so a small village in Nigeria outside Lagos (Think industrial slum) can buy 1 robo taxi and use it in the rich area, to make money that is then distributed to the poor area via EdenOS UBI ... allowing them to even spend that money on the tesla robo taxi or cyber truck human driven taxi or ride share service.

bitcoin full nodes in starlink nodes? (it will be more like hive and telos witness / BPs and DSTOR hosting mining data storage for starlink telos )

elon is baiting me to come talk about eosio and how it scales with starlink tesla and dogecoin using hive and edenos

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