Hello poets, this is my first write up in this community.
There are times when one feel hopeless, with the thought that nothing can change in ones life instead it get worst making you believe that you feel that things will just be getting worst and not better, I just what you to know that changes for better are real and nothing remains as they are, don't lose it, don't give up
Looking forward to your observations, contributions and suggestions....
I hope you enjoy it

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I entered the room
Darkness engulfed me
I could feel the silence creeping
It sent cold shivers down my spines Making the hairs on my skin stand up
Giving me goose bumps
Even though, it was my room
It was scary
The sight disgust me
I just couldn’t warp my head around it
It was in turmoil like a warzone
I tried purifying a number of times
But it went back filled with more impurities
I couldn’t fix it, even though I wanted
It didn’t obliged
It just stood the same
Soiled and wrecked
Putting it right became exhausting
It was driving me to my insanity
My being wasn’t stable at it sight
I was slowly losing it


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