"See what is TRUE" (people change)

Sun arises, its grandeur fills the skies.
Seasons change, the time continues to fly.
Our need is to live in peace together;
As we age, ours is not to reason why.

To live is about experiencing,
Seeing, sharing the beauty around you,
Caring for the world. Focus on one thing;
One day at a time, seeing what is true.

Simplicity usually reigns supreme;
Complexity always shatters the dream.
“Keep It Simple Stupid” is my mantra;
What we see is not always as it seems.

“See what is true”

A modified repost by
Jerry E Smith
All these images were taken by me using my cellphone in the past week or so
I'm going to digress from poetry, and use this moment as a bit of political grandstanding.

Here in America we are in the midst of bitter division between two parties that seem to have no decency (on either side) no compassion and no perspective outside of "WE MUST WIN" at all costs.

There is one candidate who is battling accusations of paying for an abortion in 1993!! (He is now staunchly against abortion)
There are other plain examples of this stupidity, but here is my premise.

WHERE WERE YOU IN 1993? What were you doing, what did you believe TWENTY NINE YEARS AGO?

I can tell you honestly and with great shame, that back then I was stealing checks from my mama's pocket book and forging her signature to buy drugs.
I would go on to sell cheap (give away) my heritage, the property I'd inherited, burned EVERY bridge back home so that even now it is difficult for me to go home.
Would I do those things NOW? Absolutely not.
Now, I have my own home and some land, I have my own car that is paid for, my income is such that I help other people often right out of my pocket, no recompense required.

Do I believe this candidate did all those things in 1993?
I don't know and it DOESN'T MATTER. It is who he is NOW that matters.

His opponent is the pastor of a VERY large Church.
I have not seen many MEGA CHURCH pastors that I would trust to walk in my door, looking at what they do with the millions they get from their flocks, jets, big estates and mistresses.
I tend to judge by the actions of a person; you can keep your megachurch pastor, give me a repentant sinner every time, I will trust that one sooner.
Our world has forgotten what compassion and forgiveness really means.
Okay, I'm done now


Self Portrait from about 1978

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