The Bitcoin rocket

Dear All,
when @trumpman shared this coin in his post some weeks ago, I immediately thought "I need this!".
I had ordered it the same day and now it arrived!

It was very well packaged and under the styrofoam coating this box appeared:

After opening the little drawer the coin was finally revealed:

The coin is wrapped in a tight fitting hard plastic case. Due to the size of the rocket, the shape of the coin is very much non-symmetrical, and so is the plastic case.

The front shows a rocket with a Bitcoin-logo and some BTC-coins in the background, the sign "diamond hands" and #HODL (plus actual "diamond hands"), an ape and the signs "to the moon" and "Apes together strong", plus the metal specs&weight. The other side shows the epic "astronaut sitting on the moon holding a beer bottle" motif, and indications of the country of origin and the official value. All in an "antiqued high relief" finishing!

Detail (without cover):

It is really a remarkable piece of silver. I could well imagine that these 5000 coins could gain value over time, like Bitcoin itself 😁!

Metal: 999 Ag
Weight: 1 oz Ag
Diameter: 41x55 mm
Origin: Republic of Chad
Face value: 5000 CFA-Francs (7,62€)
Mintage: 5000
Current market price: app. 90$

Previous posts of potential interest:
A new Ag-Niob bimetal coin
Some interesting facts about Gold
The 2019 Steemsilverround
The 2018 Steemsilverround

❤️If you like what you read, please vote for me as a witness ❤️

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