Virgin Islands "Missing Virgin" One Shilling - Sterling Silver Stamp Proof

This sterling silver remake (official proof) was to commemorate the Virgin Islands stamp with the missing virgin misprint, produced by Franklin Mint.


Virgin Islands One Shilling Stamp

Christopher Columbus named the Virgin Islands after the Virgin martyr named St. Ursula. She was born in Britain, lived between the third and fifth centuries, and was slain along with 10,000 virgin companions in Cologne, Germany, for not marrying a Pagan King. A Virgin Island postage stamp was made to commemorate St. Ursula, but in the first print she was mistakenly left off of the stamp - errors or small runs like this make an item rare and a sought after collectors item. The well known collectors producer Franklin Mint minted a series of rare stamp sterling silver proofs, this "Missing Virgin" is one of them (Source). Below is the original stamp - with the Virgin.

s-l400.jpg (Source)

Sterling Silver remake

This sterling silver "Missing Virgin" stamp remake is from Franklin Mint, 1980 - the original stamp was issued in 1867.


This silver remake is in the shape of a stamp, with the half circle tear edges too. The front has curved banner along the top with the text "VIRGIN ISLANDS". The banner on the bottom has the text "ONE PENCE", the postage value of the original stamp. The background has a fish netting look to it, with a space in the center for the missing virgin.


The backside of the coin background has a textile fabric look to it, at the top is the logo of the International Society of Postmasters.


Also on the backside is the text "VIRGIN ISLANDS, 1867 1 SHILLING - ROSE & BLACK "Missing Virgin"", along with the translation "ILES VIERGES, 1867 1 SHILLING. ROSE ET NOIR VIERGE OMISE", and the text "SOLID STERLING SILVER".


A piece of history with this "Missing Virgin" postage proof, a sterling silver piece for the collection.


Have a great day!


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