Secret Silver HSBI Raffle!

A few months ago, @trumpman had a great idea for a silver raffle and posted it in #silvergoldstackers. I'm shamelessly stealing this idea! Here's your chance to win silver and get some HSBI in the process!

(Created using Bing)

There will be a chance for multiple prize drawings, so there are multiple chances to win!

Each prize drawing will be for a 1/2oz silver coin! I'll be keeping the details of each coin a secret, so the winners can post their mail call when it arrives. I'll also be throwing a couple of bonus silver gram rounds in for fun! 😁

Even if you don't win a prize, you still win! Why? Because the cost to enter is paid in HSBI!

1 ticket = 3 HSBI shares with my username in the memo. The person sending the shares also gets the same number of shares automatically!

How It Works

  • Price per ticket is 3 HSBI shares (No limit) / Send 3 Hive to @steembasicincome and put my username in the memo for it to be a valid entry. I'll assign ticket numbers in the order people buy tickets.

  • Leave a comment in the post, letting me know how many tickets you purchased. If you buy more at a later date, please comment again to let me know you bought more.

  • For every 55 tickets that are bought, I'll do one drawing for a 1/2oz silver coin. There is no limit to how many drawings I'll do. If everyone buys 220 tickets then I'll do 4 separate drawings, each for a 1/2oz silver coin! I'll use the #silvergoldstackers Precious Discord bot to randomly pick numbers for me. 🤑

  • If you're unsure how to send HSBI shares, you can also send me the Hive in multiples of 3 (Ex: 3, 6, 9, 12) and I'll do it for you, to sponsor us both. If you do this, please put "Raffle" in the memo and still comment, so I know.

  • I'll ship the prize to anywhere in the world that can receive a package. I will cover the shipping. I'll try to avoid having you pay customs or taxes, but can't guarantee it. If you have a concern about this, feel free to advise me on how best to help you avoid it.

  • Reblogging/upvoting the post is greatly appreciated but not required to participate.

Contest End Date & Drawing
This contest will go through the end of April, to allow plenty of time for people to enter. I'll be posting updates as a reminder.

If you'd like to be tagged in any future update posts, please let me know in the comments below.

(Tagging you both since you asked to be tagged in the last one. If you'd like to be untagged, just let me know. 🙂)

Good luck, everyone!

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