10x 1 Gram Silver Rounds from Mint State Gold

I previously purchased these tiny 1 gram silver rounds off of Amazon. I normally wouldn’t, but I had a gift card. I normally wouldn't buy 1 gram rounds because of the high premium, but in this case I made an exception and paid the $28.87 for them.

When I got the rounds, they came in this small velvet bag. Within that bag was the world's smallest plastic bag holding the rounds.

I tested one at random with my Sigma and it checked out, so that put my mind at ease. (If the box is outside the brackets, the composition isn't silver, so dead center is great!)

The back of these rounds isn't anything to write home about, so let's hope the front makes up for it!

This was the first one I noticed in the bag. Yuck. I'm not a fan of the Freemasons, so this will likely be given away.

This one was at least a step in the right direction, but a simple design stating "USA" is still pretty boring.

Hey! A tribute to the "Half Cap Bust" dollar! That's pretty cool! The original coins were made in the 1800s and can range in price from $40 to over $40,000!

I gave up trying to get a good shot of this one. It's a great design of Lady Britannia. The design is so compact, I think it just proved too much for my phone's camera to bring everything into focus. Still, it's a cool round!

Ah yes, the iconic buffalo design. I personally find the design to be overused and boring, but it's not terrible. Let's see what else I got.

Ah, the iconic Morgan dollar design. I'm a big fan of the Morgan dollar, so this was a welcome sight!

This one was a nice surprise. It's a Native American on the front, but it's not the same design you see on the silver buffalo rounds. This is a straight-on design instead of a side view. Nice!

It's odd seeing Abraham Lincoln on anything other than a penny or $5 bill. Still, I think they did a good job with this, considering how small of a space it was they had to fit the design.

The Liberty Bell design is a great one. You see this mainly on Benjamin Franklin half dollars, which are 90% silver.

I'm sure @kerrislravenhill would agree that this is the best one out of the whole lot! Pirates and silver just go together, and it looks great even on this 1 gram round!

Sadly, this concludes the 1 gram silver round mystery fun. Keep an eye on my posts though, because I'll likely be giving these away in the future.

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