Another Monster Raffle is Done and Dusted

Earlier this morning (Australian Time) the Silver Gold Stackers Community held the Live Draw for it’s most recent Monster Raffle in the SGS Discord. It’s a pretty early start for me and a late night for Old Mate @welshstacker but we pick that time so that most of our members around the world can be awake and online to take part. We succeeded in that by having a really good turnout in the Voice Channel once again so thanks to everyone who came online to join the fun!

Image Generated by AI

The event ran pretty smoothly, especially thanks to @welshstacker who played the role of MC and took care of all the talking and the prize selection process which allowed me to just focus on the drawing of numbers and updating the spreadsheets. I’m a bit of a mutant that early in the morning (pre-coffee) so not having to talk much is a big help for me. Between the two of us we have a process that we seem to have got down pat by now. The draw was all concluded in less than about 40 minutes. So thanks Old Mate - I appreciate you.

Next up I need to write up a formal post and put it out from the @ssg-community account. This is just a short shitpost today from my personal account, but I’ll drop the prize winners in a screenshot for those wondering what happened :-

I also need to look at the total funds raised and draw up a bit of a Budget for Leases so that I can get back to those people who expressed interest in Leasing our Curation Project their Hive Power. School Holidays finish up here on Tuesday so I’ll put a bit of time into figuring that stuff out then. In the meantime, please be patient. Slow and steady wins this race...

On a personal note I just want to say thanks again to everyone who got involved and supported our community by being a part of the Monster Raffle. In my mind we ARE the best community here on HIVE and when we do big events like this it just reminds me of why I love being a part of it. Cheers to all of you. Long Live SGS! Stack ON!

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