Time for the final box Presentation

Hi SilverGoldstackers,

It's Alex here again

And today I will be going through my personal feedback final part the coin box of 2015.

Since everything is the fine, but however that the difference in the coin box is that of

Which these coins below are one of Commemorative Coin

50th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill
200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo
800th anniversary of Magna Carta
100th anniversary of WW1 Royal Navy
75th anniversary of the battle of Britain

Definitive Coin

Which one of the them Celebrates Techonology Process
and the rest of coins is the design of the Royal Arms.

Talk down

Let's talk about the first coin which is the anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill, as we all know he was United Kingdom's saviour of hope and also a world citizen and not forgetting he had an honour from USA for the act of congress.

This coin was designed by Mark Richards FRBS which only 35,000 were ever made.

And now for the 2nd coin which is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, in July 1940 which it was UK vs Germany in the battle for the skies with the UK's Spitfire up against Germany's Luftwaffe but however in the end the UK managed to reclaim the skies and not forgetting the help the USA as well.

This coin was designed by Gary Breeze which again made just 35,000, but by looking at the coin I absolutely feel that that this coin is a definite symbol of hope since many people who fought to save the world.

And finally left for me to talk about is the premium medal of 2015 which is the holy grail and about this coin in my view (without touching it of course) which has the style of both Nickel Steel and the other being Brass Steel.

For the by looking at the serial number is 3,285 out of 6,000 (I Think) so yeah.

If you have enjoyed reading this, there are other post similar to this one which is both 2013 & 2014 which I will post these links down below & any other coins I talk about as well.

2013 Premium Coin Box Review
2014 Premium Coin Box Review
100th Anniversary of The Battle Of The Somme

Tell me which was your favourite box I which I have discussed through out these 3 boxes.

And if you are new to reading this blog, take your time to read this through and see if this coin topic really interests you.

Anyways have a good day Y'all

Alex from Britishstacker

Stay SIlver & Gold

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