Normandy rose sterling spoons

In this post i share some spoons i got from the private seller.
I only have 2 more items from him to share, before we get into some jewlery before getting back into the mote typical bars ,coins and rounds.

I was able to find these spoons online fairly easy, i typed in the name of the company Northumbria and one of the first links sent me to the website below.

These spoons are part of the Normandy rose pattern, and it appears they have a nice premium but as you may know if you been following my post i only paid spot so there is a lot of room for profit but for now im not really interested in selling, I personally think its some of the worst times to sell , so in the mean time I grow my collection of silver items

Hive Canada

That's it for today's post thanks for stopping by your support is truly appreciated.

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