Steem Think Tank: User Survey About Steem. Earn a quick 10 Steem!


As promised this is the first of many user surveys I want to conduct in Steem Think Tank. I’ll start at the top with STEEM in general before moving into specific applications.

Also to help get things rolling I’ll be paying the first 10 people who participate 10 STEEM each as a thank you for taking the time granted you follow a few guidelines.

  • Follow the Steem Think Tank Community.
  • Resteem This Post
  • Answer the survey in a new post in the community.

*edit This wasn't explained well enough since there has been some confusion, but the last direction here, making a new post in the community is only accomplished by going to the community page on the beta site and clicking the "New Post" button. You can't post in a community by just using a tag.


Feel free to participate regardless, but you need only do those things if you want the ten STEEM payment.

This surveys answers will probably shock few, but I’m interested to see the results regardless. What I’m hoping is that this community can grow into a resource used by the community keep the channels of communication open between people building and people using. Thanks for participating!

Steem User Survey:

How long have you been using Steem?

Where are you in terms of SP? (Plankton(0-500SP), Minnow(500-5000SP), Dolphin(5k-50kSP), Whale(you're probably not a whale, if you are you know what a whale is))

Where are you in the world? (Just Country)

What brought you to Steem?

What was your first impression?

How do you feel about the current state of Steem?

How often do you use Steem applications/websites/etc?

What is your favorite Steem Application and why?

What’s your favorite thing about Steem?

What’s your least favorite thing about Steem?

How difficult/easy would you say it is to use Steem?

Would you recommend Steem to family/friends/coworkers? If no why not?

What do you wish you could do with Steem that you can’t currently?

What excites you most about Steem?

What worries you most about Steem?

Now I thought it would be a good idea for me to answer the survey as well to get things rolling as well as clear any confusion with the questions.

How long have you been using Steem?

Around 3 Years

Where are you in terms of SP? (Plankton(0-500SP), Minnow(500-5000SP), Dolphin(5k-50kSP), Whale(you're probably not a whale, if you are you know what a whale is))

Dolphin (Orca w Delegations)

Where are you in the world? (Just Country)


What brought you to Steem?

Honestly don't remember. In the 2017 run, I was looking into a lot of projects andprobably heard about Steem from some crypto youtuber. Might have been either Jerry or Suppoman.

What was your first impression?

Holy Shit! How are people making THIS much money for THIS level of content?!?!? (It was bidbots)

How do you feel about the current state of Steem?

Cautiously Optimistic. I think Steem could develop into something absolutely world changing, or stagnate into nothing.

How often do you use Steem applications/websites/etc?

Several times per day. Pretty much obsessed and always on.

What is your favorite Steem Application and why?

In general I'd have to say Steempeak although lately I've been obsessed with the site getting acquainted with Communities.

I like Steempeak simply because it has the best user experience. It's the best to actually browse content, to curate, and has the best wallet.

What’s your favorite thing about Steem?

I wrote these questions but this isn't actually something I've thought much about consciously. I feel like a lot of people would say "For the community 🥰" right here, but ehhh...nah not really. I mean you guys are cool and all, but my FAVORITE thing is probably the game of earning Steem.

In the three years I've been here the only time I've sold Steem was to buy Tribe tokens. I'm not here earning "money" per se, but I think I enjoy my SP increasing like a high score in a game. This is probably why as time has passed and more people have fallen off, I've posted more, bought more, got delegations, etc.

I definitely am hopeful that I'll be able to use my SP to help build, to influence and to generally make this thing I've come to love better, but if it all went to zero, I wouldn't regret anything. I had fun.

What’s your least favorite thing about Steem?

I think I'd have to say the lack of coordination of efforts. I think we probably have all the skills, enthusiasm, and money to do much more than what we're doing, but there's not enough structure/organization to make much happen.

How difficult/easy would you say it is to use Steem?

Super hard in the beginning, really easy once you learn everything.

Would you recommend Steem to family/friends/coworkers? If no why not?

In general no. If someone shows interest I would(and have) mentor them and get them rolling, but I'm still hoping for some of the things that are cooking to be ready to serve before I really ramp up in onboarding more people. I've onboarded quite a lot of people only to have them leave in frustration or boredom. I'd rather wait until we have something I think they'd be genuinely excited about before I bring them on.

There are certain people I'd onboard right now, but really it has to be a certain type, and those people are a minority.

What do you wish you could do with Steem that you can’t currently?

Customize it to suit my needs.

What excites you most about Steem?

Future potential.

What worries you most about Steem?

Lack of focus on UX. In the modern age of applications you CANNOT compete without a strong and positive user experience. The impressive tech won't matter if nobody wants to use it.

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