"DOOR KNOB" Reviving the Bayanihan Spirit




Our New Home

Hello my fellow hiveans. How are you today? It has been a long weekend vacation since the yuletide season. Well, welcome to year 2024!🤩. A year of abundant Mercy as I forsee it. Today I will be sharing with you our new house and a home.

Short Conversation Flashback


Who would have thought, that this door knob will serve its purpose years after it was given. Life is just like that, God's promise is sometimes manifested in small stuffs and at times we thought to be unessential not until the right time comes.

Papa: Look, yoyo (uncle) dodo has given me this door knob, a spare from the hotel he was working.

Mama: ( glimpsed at it trivially and shrugged her shoulders.) Well, it's no use. Anyway you can still keep it. ☺️

3 years or less after...

This has been a dream 24 years ago. Mama was just 15 when she dreamed to have a house in her birthland in Tabuelan Cebu province.

When my parents decided to transfer a home, I and my younger brother dislikened it a little because that meant we could no longer see and bond with our close friends. Surely we will miss them. With my brother's end, he will miss the basketball team, the alimango, spider, seashells team😂.

Well, my brother Chekoy as his nickname, was a fun of those activities. Since our house in Mandaue was situated near a seaside thus, all those stuffs were his past pleasures. Hahaha I could imagine his face expressing a contrast on a home-transfer-plan. However, later as months gone by I had noticed that everything became easy to accept now and had a feeling inside to take this another leap of challenge. To be taken into consideration, the new school and the people around.





Moving forward, last December, we begun to gather small stones nearby, enough to be carried to fill in the deep portion of the area from where our house be laid in. Though it was really hard we enjoyed doing it. However we can't finish it with the family's might alone, hence later my uncle did the gathering of stones and rocks to fully realize the plan. The place was also partially and manually engineered by tatay Baloy.




Moreover, when my parents opened up this plan to our church leaders, they consented into it and blessed us with fervent prayers from our Pastor and Bishop Mangoba and the family. Adding more amazement was when Bishop offered a bayanihan in collaboration with uncle Joe and few men, youths, and ladies in pursuit of building our house.


Just happy faces girded with passion to serve without expecting a return.



So on December 19, 2023, early morning on Tuesday, ridden on a commuter van, 13 of them arrived in Tabuelan safe and armed with building equipments and most of all girded with passion to serve without asking any return. Just happy faces with a purpose of fulfilling a goal and satisfaction in helping us build a house.


The Bayanihan Spirit Revived wholeheartedly orchestrated by Bishop Mangoba.😇

That day our small house was erected due to people who had preserved in them a bayanihan spirit.


Trully God is amazing more than we could conceive. He made all things beautiful in the right time. Let us not give up on dreaming. One day you'll wake up living in your dreams. Be it small or great, just stay right before His eyes and He will give you the desires of your heart.

One thing, I want to add on. People around us who are beautifully shaped with a heart to serve is precious and incomparable. A heart that opens and closes like a door knob. Opens to people who need help, and lift each others burden while closes its door to division and strife. Let us keep them in our hearts, and remember their legacy for they are the ones who build a noble and godly character, which is a home of their ownselves long time ago and manifested now to others as they are empowered by the Spirit of unquenchable love and compassion beyond price.


Special Thanks to MamaLola Sherly for her sacrifices for us.

Other Photos



Papa on finishing house job construction; window,door,and his first time door knob installation "diskarte" strategy 😊 etc.



Just grateful😇☺️

That would be all for today guyz. Thanks for dropping by. God bless you all. 😇

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