ABDUCTED!! - Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7

If you find yourself near an Abductor you are likely to get beamed aboard for tests!

Jump around and collect extra time while you wait for special orbs (dragon balls) to fall form the sky where the yellow beams of light are. If you can avoid other players and collect them first, youll get 16 seconds to open chests and collect some bonus loot before they throw you out the window and you are back to Battle Royale.

Aliens moved in at Holly Hedges

There are cubes of active alien nanites transforming the house into a home for the visitors.

They take over the bathrooms and make it just the way they like it.

In the livingroom and sometimes the garage they have these zaccuzi couches or are they beds? Maybe both, those purple orbs look very warm and slimy.

The visitor found out I was looking through his stuff so he shot me as the storm was closing in, but I got away. This season has had lots of new stuff, and its what I asked for.

Not everyone likes this new season, but I had mixed responses when I suggested it. Some people hated the idea, others liked it. Someone seems to be listening to me because I suggested hunting and last season was Primal, introducing hunting and eating animals.

Thank you Fortnite developers! I am really enjoying the alien stuff.

Read More:

Abducted, Victory Royale, Parasites infecting Fortnite, Dance on the UFO today, Finding the last 2, High Tech Alien Weaponry, Toughest AI bot yet, Primal Eliminations, Victory Royale, Spire Assasin, Enjoy The View, Season 5 Event, Predator Challenges, Mando's Bounty, Rescue The Child, Season 5 Characters, Midas hunts for Gold, Keep ranking up, End of the Year, & Dr Doom.

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