Campusgistars community can be better! My suggestions


Giving suggestions has never been my kinda thing, I feel that I may just come up with some gibberish that isn't needed at all. But somehow, I've made suggestions in the past and they're taken as if I added some magic to them. Maybe I just said what was on another's mind so it all falls into place when I suggested it.

So I'm going to give my suggestions for this community as well... They are just suggestions, not a must that they should be regarded but it's fine for ideas to come off from them... That will even be more cool and fun to me.

Before that, I'll like to specify that I'll be making my suggestion from what I know the community to be presently. I think I got to know about this community like two or three months ago through @nkemakonam89 and I was happy with the idea this community's owner had in mind when he created it.

Bringing students together in one place to share their experiences... I love real life/originality blogging more than the other kinds of blogging there is. So you could say I've liked this community since I learnt about its existence.

But I've come to learn about some areas that this community needs to work more on for a more fun community to it's members.

My suggestions

I'll be giving my suggestions in different areas I feel should be looked into, I'll take corrections if any isn't in line or okay for the community. There will be five suggestions in the three categories...

I'll love to start with the one thing that drew me to the community which is the weekly engagement contest. I can't remember the exact question that was asked on the first day I joined the contest but I can remember it made me come back to check for more weekly questions.

So I'm saying the weekly contest is a very good idea but my problem with it is that the next question doesn't come early enough, the entries don't get good supports and engagements isn't so good either.

I'll suggest that a room should be given for persons to drop questions suggestions for upcoming weekly engagement activities... It shouldn't be on one person to come up with the next questions, it's not easy. And the community shouldn't forget the main purpose of creating the community, some questions asked should be student-related too.

Another thing is the style of giving out the questions of the weekly engagement, I think a change of style for the announcement would be cool too. Make it more presentable to members who come across it to enter for it.

I was happy to know that the community had a discord channel, nice move. I also saw that it had rooms for general chats and post promotions, which is also a good one. The next thing will be finding a way to bring in more people to join the channel.

I also like the rule for submitting post entries in the room provided but there aren't still good votes given to posts... It's discouraging but I'll suggest two ways for that in the next area I'll focus on.

For the discord activities, I'll suggest that there should be weekly meetings where the members meet for chats, discussions about the community, giveaways from admins or even the members and any fun shows to make people even want to invite their friends to join.

One of the major issue I've noticed in the community is that the posts aren't encouraged enough with votes and one of the reasons for going through the stress of publishing a post is to get voted and feel motivated to write another. The community will have to do step up their game in this aspect.

I'll suggest that the boosting feature in ecency be used more, the members could decide to boost another's post with their points but then, the community should be more responsible for this than the members as the prizes they're giving out won't cover for it if the member who boosted another's post were to win.

A curation trail should be created, others have suggested this already but I'll say it again... It will be nice to have a curation trail and also encourage the members to join and give a good percentage to the trail for better progress.

Lastly, the prizes given in the weekly engagement contest shouldn't just be ecency points... Hive should be given as well and a place in the community announcement post should ask for support for better prizes for the contest.

I'm not sure how possible this is, but could the admin contact a whale in the blockchain to help grow the community as well? I want to believe it's possible if questions are asked in the right places.

They are all just my suggestions, corrections could be made and I'll appreciate if some are implemented.

My contribution?

  • I will continue making sure to join in for the weekly engagement contest.
  • I will try to be active in the discord activities, I actually love fun things.
  • I will join the curation trail with a 100% setting if it is created.
  • I may support in the boosting and supporting prizes (that is if there is any week I won't be able join in the contest).
  • In all, I'll try to be an active member of the community 🙂

This is my entry to the Campusgistars engagement contest and I'll like to invite @otuyanancy and @maryjacy to participate as well.

First image was designed Here
Images used in the design was from contest post and Here


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