Campusgistars Engagements week 15 : Your Suggestions

Week 14 took us a week and 5 days to conclude. What a week. Thanks to everyone who has participated and has being participating.

It's an engagement and one of the criteria to award an engagement is the best engager. Thanks to @merit.ahama @dwixer @dapamolaaa @burlarj @gi-de-on @famous01 for their write ups.
We also had good engagements in the comment section such as @otuyanancy @starstring01 @merit.ahama @dwixer and host of others.

Again this week best engaged writer is @merit.ahama this is because of the level of her engagement not just on her post but with other writers on same topic. We encourage all writers to always engage on other people's post, make sure to reply others who commented on your post, this is a very important criteria we look out for. That's was one hell of a post, lol.

The runner up is @dwixer, he also had almost same level of engagement with the winner. You have almost being consistent.

We have a new writer winter third place this week, @burlarj who has always being on a server with no engagement, we hope this will be the beginning of a turn around for you on our server.

Congratulations to all writers, we look forward to see new winners emerge next time.

Week 15 Engagement

You probably have being in campusgistars community for a while or you are just reading this post, Suggest five ways you think Campusgistars as a community needs to improve and how you can be of help as a person to campusgistars community.

We encourage everyone who has come across our community to write.

Rules of Engagement
Write into the Community and use ecency at any position.

Nominate two people to join the community.

Comment in not less than three posts..

Reblog this post and join the community for visibility and invite others to join us on discord.

Best three Engaged writer recieves 150 points, 100 points and 50 points Respectively.

Join us on discord through this link below:

Remain blessed.

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2 columns
1 column