Throwback Thursday - Writing Prompt From My Old Writing Group (WordPress Blog Archives)

Throwback Thursday - Wriiting Prompt From My Old Writing Group blog thumbnail.png


As I mentioned in a post earlier this month, I've started to slowly add some of my old, pre-September 2017 (when I joined our legacy chain) WordPress blog posts here, so they don't disappear if/when I decide to give up my longstanding web2 home. Not all of them, though - I've had my own domain name since 2005, and I just realized when looking at my WP dashboard, I've amassed over 1200 posts over the years! 😲


Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 18-11-35 Dashboard ‹ Traci York — WordPress.png


For the moment, I'm focusing on anything related to my writing, or the writing groups I've managed in the past, and I'm doing no more than one per week (which will probably end up being, "one once in a while" after Hive Blog Posting Month is It occurred to me after the first one I shared a few weeks ago, that these would make for great #MondayBlogs tweets, as I typically give my original WP link as well as the new Hive post one when sharing.

So these throwback posts are serving a duel purpose - getting some of my favorite bits from my old blog nestled safely in my web3 home, and getting some incidental attention on Hive when sharing links each week on Twitter. I'm hoping one of these days, the folks who regularly participate in Monday Blogs will start recognizing these blockchain links as "legit" blogs, and I can start sharing posts from Hive without corresponding WP links.

But for the moment, I'm very happy to see things like this in my Twitter feed...

Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 18-22-58 Retweeted Twitter.png


... and this gives you an idea of what the Monday Blogs account has for reach...

Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 18-30-34 Monday Blogs ( MondayBlogs) Twitter.png


Now, for the slightly adjusted (to make the time jump a little less confusing... original post from my WP blog.


Writing Prompt From My Old Writing Group

Original title: Writing Prompt - When she saw what made the sound
First published on: April 03, 2017


A couple weeks ago Way back on March 23rd, 2017, I shared a writing prompt from 2014, done for my old writing group (we started in 2007) on Twitter for the #ThrowbackThursday. Since the monthly meeting for my newer group (started two years ago) is tonight was later that night on April 3rd, 2017, I thought I'd share another prompt from my former group. This one is also a flash fiction piece, and I actually came up with this prompt (the other one came from Writer's Digest)

My instructions to our group -

Write a story, 500 words or less, using the following line, "When she saw what had made the sound, she realized her life would never be the same."

Here's my result...



The crash outside had Misty out of bed and running to the window before she even realized she was awake. When she saw what had made the sound, she realized her life would never be the same.

"Mom," she yelled. "What's a moving van doing in the driveway?"

"I'm guessing it's probably carrying the belongings of the new people who are moving into the building - but I could be wrong," her mother called back from down the hallway.

"New people? What new people? I didn't hear anything about anyone moving in!" she hollered again, an unhappy note rising in her voice.

"Neither did I dear, but after all - it's not as if we owned the building anymore. The McKinleys can do whatever they wish without asking our permission first," Her mother walked into the bedroom and stood beside Misty. They both watched silently for a moment as the ramp, which was the source of the loud boom, was maneuvered into place by three men, forming a bridge from the truck to the porch.

"But letting another family move in here - how could they?"

"I'm sure they didn't do it as a personal affront to us. In fact, I doubt very much they even gave us a second thought - landlords tend to focus on renting empty units, not how it might affect others in the building."

"But, this is our property - I don't want to share it with strangers!" Misty thought about the quiet family picnics in the backyard, the lazy days of summer lying in the grass looking up at the clouds, and the familiar stillness of the house late at night when everyone was asleep. She didn't want strange voices and weird cooking smells to intrude upon their sanctuary.

"We really don't have much of a choice..." her mother started, putting her arm around Misty's shoulder, but Misty pushed her away.

"It's not fair!" she yelled, and ran for the kitchen door. She slammed through to the side porch, and began screaming, "Go away! We don't want you here! This is our home and you can't be here!" She collapsed into a sobbing heap on the porch as the men from the moving company continued to haul boxes into the house, unperturbed by her outburst. After a moment, she sensed her mother crouching down next to her, and she leaned into her shoulder, trying for her mother's sake to settle herself down.

"Misty honey, we always knew this day would come. We need to focus on the positive side. At least we still have the house - think of how much worse it would be if we were haunting an empty lot."



Back to the present again - hope you enjoyed my bit of flash fiction, and if you decide to give this prompt a whirl here on Hive, be sure to tag me so I can check it out. Now that #HiveBloPoMo is coming to a close, I'm hoping to have more time to read more posts and drop more comments.

Oh, and if you duel post on Word Press and Hive, be sure to shout out so I can share some of your content for Monday Blogs on Twitter.


Thanks for stopping by!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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