A Little Extra Tree Love for this Thursday

A Little Extra Tree Love for this Thursday blog thumbnail.jpg

While today isn't an "official" #ThursdayTreeLove (which is a WordPress bloghop hosted the second & fourth Thursdays of each month by my blogging friend Parul), I thought I'd share a few more foliage shots anyway.

(and yes I know according to my #HiveBloPoMo blog prompt calendar, today is "Use Your Common Sense Day - tell a story about it" but I feel completely devoid of sense today, so I'm doing this instead...lol)

And a little bit about what's going on in my corner of the world right now - on Halloween, of all days, as Jim was heading out of the driveway with our youngest (bringing her to work), the car (which we've nicknamed "The Albatross") made a weird noise. As Jim lifted the hood to check it out, he heard a popping noise, smelled ozone, and some sort of "check engine" message displayed on the dash. Long story short, we are lucky enough to have our second vehicle (which also needs repair but is drivable) so he got her to work and back okay.

Yesterday he had the chance to go outside to check both cars out, to try to figure out what to do. I followed him and it was such a nice afternoon, I figured I should grab my camera and get another million shots of the foliage.

While we still haven't figured out what to do (I won't sidetrack this post further by mentioning the other bazillion things going on), I do know that taking that bit of a break and hanging around together outside helped put things in a bit of a better perspective. And despite everything going on, and even though today was a crazy busy day, we actually had fun. I think there's a lesson in there somewhere, but I'm fast running out of time to post so I'm going to stop trying to figure it out for now.

Oh, and today also happens to be his 60th birthday. ❤️


A Little Extra Tree Love for this Thursday


1. Extra Tree Love.jpg1. Our landlady's memorial tree is showing off a bit of fall foliage this year.
2. Extra Tree Love.jpg2. The sun setting behind the leaves made a beautiful glow.
3. Extra Tree Love.jpg3. These are the shots I can take millions of - blue sky, wispy clouds, and red, gold, and green trees.
4. Extra Tree Love.jpg4. Still a surprising amount of leaves left on the trees.
5. Extra Tree Love.jpg5. Cirrus clouds like this (which, according to this ThoughtCo article, cirrus is Latin for "curl of hair") are my favorite type because they look like a cross between angel wings and feathers. Although I supposed angel wings are made of feathers, so I guess that's a bit redundant...lol).
6. Extra Tree Love.jpg6. My favorite shagbark tree with the setting sun lighting up the leaves. And yes, more angel feather wing clouds.
7. Extra Tree Love.jpg7. A closer look at the beautiful glow of the leaves.

Sending lots of tree love thoughts to everyone, and I hope that even if you're struggling, you're able to find some beauty around you.


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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