National Pet Day | HiveBloPoMo

Today is National Pet Day!

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This is not my pet but isn't he sooo cute! Source

Well I have no pets of my own at this point in my life but I have had a few in my day. I just don't want the responsibility of caring for a pet, plus I don't have the time. However, if you have a pet, today is the day to do something extra special for it. You also can maybe treat another family member or friend's pet to a little something nice.

If you know an elderly or handicapped person that has a pet, you could always check in to make sure the pet is healthy and taken care of.

I never really liked animals but I do like the cute pictures I often see. So I have no pics to share of my own but here's a couple of cute pets I found online. These pets are exotic & small for those who might live in an apartment or just want a small pet.

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Enjoy Your Pets today!


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