Wait, I need to write something

I almost forgot!


Ugh, this is my own fault. I strayed from my usual routine of visiting Ecency first and making sure I get a post out. Instead, I started designing, did not finish that, moved on to my Wordpress site to add some of my older gaming posts, decided I should schedule some post releases there and before I knew it, I almost forgot to write something here!

Well, better late than never, right?

I'm still in the race for completing the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, and I don't want to quit now! There's only about a week left to go.

Sunrise flowers Playfulfoodie

It's going pretty well so far. I've had some struggles somewhere in the middle, but I'm feeling better now and am better able to think of new post subjects. Some days are still better than others, ofcourse. Like, my gaming post from two days ago came quite easy while I was checking out New World's latest updates. Yesterday's post though, was more of a random free writing thing (like this one!).

Oh, and my last back-up post has also been used. That was the warm Oodie one. Yep, that means I now need inspiration every day, or I have to find time and inspiration to write another back-up post.

Either way, I'll keep on trying to finish this! It's a pretty fun challenge and a rewarding one too. Although I'm pretty sure you'll see less posts of me in december, because I'll definitely need to recharge!

Okay... time for food.

How's your month of blogging going?

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P.S.: The pictures in this post are mine and not to be used anywhere else.

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