Travel Pics for Flashback Friday | HiveBloPoMo Day 29

April 29 of HiveBloPoMo and the prompt is - FlashbackFriday - Share 4 phone photos from 4 years ago

Hopefully, no one minds if I'm going to be sharing a few more than four photos. I don't have any from 4/29/2018 but I've got quite a few from the 28th which was the last day and return travel day of our spring vacation in the Caribbean on



The day started for me like most when we are there - watching the sunrise. I even stitched a panorama 😊.

2018-04-28 06.23.09.jpg

2018-04-28 06.25.48-Pano.jpg

The return flight to New Jersey is around 2 or 3 pm so there's always a lot of time that we spend snorkeling or surfing and, of course, packing 😞. Well, let me re-phrase that a little - usually I do the packing and send hubby surfing so that I have space and can get organized without him hovering over me 🤣.

Though before starting packing I went out to take a few last pictures of hubby windsurfing and enjoy the water myself. Here I caught him in the act of trying a Downwind 360 - sadly he didn't quite make it but still looking good!

About two hours before departure it was time to go to the airport. It's a seriously small airport and I have more and better pictures of it but I wanted to keep this post clean i.e. only photos that were taken that day. I took the below photo shooting out the window while the airplane was rolling to the runway.

2018-04-28 15.24.25.jpg

And then we took off and I had the chance to take some more pictures. The first one is of Lac Bay the lagoon in which we are surfing. The above pictures of hubby were taken there.

2018-04-28 15.28.41.jpg

Here we were flying over some other very pretty Caribbean islands. I don't know what the one on the right is but the left one is Crooked Island which belongs to The Bahamas. Don't the colors just look gorgeous?

Well, and then smooth traveling stopped a bit. I have no idea how it happened but the plane was running low on fuel, I think due to strong headwinds, so as a first for me we took a little detour. Instead of our direct flight from Bonaire to Newark we first landed in Washington DC. That gave me the opportunity to shoot a few sunset pictures - always look at the positives! - I do like those funky reflections in the window. We didn't stay too long, maybe an hour or two that we sat in the plane on the tarmac before continuing our journey back home.

2018-04-28 19.58.55.jpg

2018-04-28 20.04.42.jpg

2018-04-28 20.04.45.jpg


And there you go, that's it today for #FlashbackFriday with a few more than just 4 photos from my phone almost exactly 4 years ago to the day.

Have a great weekend everyone!



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW

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