Flashback Friday


Hello hello! I'm still here, happy to be for day 15 of #HIVEBLOPOMO. Today's suggestion is to share three childhood photos for #FlashbackFriday, but sadly, I have close to no pictures of my childhood, that's something that my mother has always blamed herself for since the main reason for that was the breakup of my parents, not owning a camera and all of that. I don't find myself missing much not having many pictures of that time, my childhood was a quiet one, not many remarkable things I guess, stuff like that started to happen to me I dunno, at college, and of that, I do have photos!
We can have flashbacks to any day passed, right? like yesterday or last year? I think so, that's why I decided to divide this post into two parts, photo flashbacks of what I consider milestones of my life! not ordered by importance but in the timeline!


When I think of my graduation day, I remember the most awesome day, the weather was perfect, the laughs of everybody around me, people congratulated each other on their success, the presence of loved ones, and the feeling of accomplishment that filled the air. I never in my youngest years imagined I'd go down this academic path, and now, I can't think of anything else I'd like to do more than what I do, besides being a mom to my girls.
A fun moment I remember especially was the moment to take the characteristic photo throwing the caps up, my three best friends and I had the best of times doing that, cause we tried like eight times to get the picture right but never managed to, but the results were hilarious!

This is the first picture my now husband and I took together, it was my birthday back in 2015, we met in April and started dating in September that year and we have been inseparable since. It was that kind of relationship we never knew we wanted, and now, I can't imagine my life without him, and our two princesses.


Its lovely to see how much we've grown together, and we are now four!

Technology allows us to keep memories from the good times, now is way more easy than it was before when we needed to wait long periods to get our pictures developed, plus, talking about my country Venezuela, the cost of doing so was quite expensive. Now if we want we can print out shots and display them or simply upload them and share them with friends and family!

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