What are the personality traits that you are proud of?

I was trying to find what my spirit animal was. Don't ask, I didn't complete the survey. I stopped halfway as a result of a distraction. I am pleased that that survey is going to smoothen this post a bit today. I got to sit back and reflect upon the personality traits that the surveys brought up. Gosh, believe me, I am something... Hehehehe.

I am always looking for new things to experience

For this option, I chose it very accurately. The reason is that I am easily bored. I can be on a thing for many years and then I lose interest completely. I am always looking for new things. Experiencing a new way of living, thinking, acting, behaving, etc makes my heart beat fast.

I live a fast-paced existence


The fact that my blood is usually hot and looking for new things to experience makes me live a fast-paced life. Not that I am always in a hurry. No, I like to take my time but once my instincts say, "it's time", I don't look back. I take the bull by the horns. Most times it keeps the people around me off balance. They may never see that move until I take it. Then everything I was doing in the previous days will begin to make sense to them. Gosh, you might get tired trying to decipher what I am going to be up to the next minute. I like surprises, so I practice them more as well.

I like to be impressed to others


You know some people would say you should not be concerned about what others think or say about you. I agree if it's something your heart wants and you are happy. This is why I choose the second option. However, when it comes to making a first impression, I value it like a goal. I don't know if first impressions still count these days, but, I still make sure I smile up at a stranger the first time we meet.

The more useful I am to others the happier I am


This one is my weakness... Phew... I love to please. To help out. Whenever I can. If I can use the resources that I have to help, I'll do it. I hate not being able to help anyone. Wait, I always know how to stop helping someone if they keep falling into the same hole over and over again... Watch out, something is wrong somewhere.

I frequently come up with ideas or solutions out of nowhere


I am always able to fish out ideas and solutions during the last minutes. I don't know if it's gut or talents. I have always figured a way out of a situation especially when it is nagging me, and there is no escape except I resolve it.

I find it easy to approach others.


Yes, remember the first impression, this helps me able to talk to someone for the first time. I am never shy to ask for directions. I can walk up to you and warm you up with a smile and then get the information I need. Everyone goes home happy.

I feel at peace with myself most times.


This one, at times, I always feel it's not normal to have the kind of peace I experience often. Right now, I am at peace with myself even when my world is falling apart and my loved ones are greatly hurt by my decisions. My heart doesn't feel perturbed. The peace washing over me should be looked into... It feels weird... Seriously. It's not the first time. It happens often.

I require lots of time alone to recharge


Gosh, I am a freak when it comes to isolation. I need to change that. I can stay with myself forever if I want to, lol. I had to stop when I discovered it wasn't good. Albeit, I still require plenty of time to recharge. And my bed always provides the comfort and tranquility that I need.

What did all of these revelations prove?


That I am a turtle. Oh my goodness. My spirit animal is a turtle. I still have to sit back to read up about my spirit animal. Once I do. You'll be the first to hear it, I promise.

Hold up for a minute, didn't I say I didn't finish this survey? Oh wow, the screenshots prove that I did. The only part I didn't finish was an extensive reading on my spirit animal. I still promise you'll be the first to know if I do.

PS: All photos are screenshots.

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