#TuesdayThoughts - Where does my time go?

Where do your hobbies fit in???
I mean who has time?


So I've been looking a bit into some time management books. I generally read more productivity or business books and couple of them have put the emphasis on managing your time. They talk about cutting away the clutter and focusing on "what's important" and they almost all start with some kind of assessment of how you currently spend your time.

So I find myself asking, besides work, more work, more work and basketball...
I have my own marketing company, I coach your basketball (and play) and I've recently stared teaching marketing ant he local university...

So where does the rest of my time go???

The other guys....

Believe it or not I'm not a robot 😂.
So I do need to spend some of my time doing something that fun to keep myself sane. And guess what, I've made a list!

1) Workout/exercise

I feel like this kind of goes with basketball and it's not necessarily a hobby. I feel like your health is key to enabling you to do whatever else you want to do (including work), so talking care of your body is a necessity. The only reason I'll add it to the list is because of I do exercise more that the average person and it's probably I higher priority to me.


2) Photography

Ah yes! I've probably mentioned this in a previous post but I like photography and I make sure to take the time to go out and do it.. It's not all streamlined though, I haven't really gone out shooting in the past 3 weeks or so. But other weeks it's a lot more...


2b) Instagram /Hive

Yes I know they're not the same and they might even be enemies to some folks.. But those are the platforms I typically post my shots on. And here I actually take the time to write a whole post too so it might even take longer than a typical Instagram post.


3) Netflix /HBO /Movies

Even if it's sometimes just part of a background vibe, like a movie playing while I'm working. I do watch series... I do spend some x amount of hours watching...


4) PS4

Okay so before you go out and judge me.. My ps4 behavior is closely related to contact I have with oversees friends and mainly my cousin. We have most of out conversations true a ps4 party instead of on the phone... And then we usually play a game together... Win-win

Do you recognize the game? 😀

5) Fantasy sports

Yes... Sports fanatic over here...
I'm in multiple leagues....
7 or so for Basketball (5 yahoo and 2 ESPN)
1 for premiere league football
1 for champions league football
Did I mention I like sports? 😂😂😂


I don't know, it just adds an extra dynamic to the sport itself, especially if you were going to follow it anyway.


That's it.. That's what I could come up with. I didn't even take into account the time I spend on my phone because both point 2 and 3 are very much part of it. I also didn't mention social life cause that's a bit harder to put into categories.
Now the challenge becomes: where can I cut down, what am I willing to give up or limit???

So how about you? Can you relate?
Let me know below.



P.s. This is post nr 10 of 30 of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, check it out if you want to join next time...

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