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HiveBloPoMo Day 27: I Which You Get to Meet "Smudge," Because "Why Not?"

Today is day 27 of HiveBloPoMo, and I think I have managed to create something on 21 of those days... not perfect, but not a complete flop, either. Figured I might as well keep plugging, even if just as a show of support for @traciyork's initiative!

You can read more about HiveBloPoMo here, if you feel so inclined.

Today's writing prompt is "Share 5 Feline Fotos for Caturday." Hmmm... the writing prompt for last Saturday (which I missed) was "Tell a story, real or fiction, about adoption for Adoption Day." Well, since I've done neither so far, why not roll the two together, since they are actually highly "topical" around here!

Smudge, shortly after arriving here...

Meet Smudge!

Smudge is a little old tortoiseshell "Chimera" kitty lady who arrived here at our house, last Sunday.

As you might be able to intuit from the photo above, she was rather frightened and unsure of what was going on in her little world.

You see, Smudge is not a kitten we just adopted, but a 14-year old "senior citizen kitty." All all this change was not really to her liking.

Goodbyes Are Hard...

So how did Smudge get to come live with us?

Well, Smudge's human is a close friend of Mrs. Denmarkguy and she was offered an opportunity to "make a difference in the world," with the one small wrinkle that doing so would require her to move to The Dominican Republic where she would help build eco-villages and teach locals the benefits of sustainability and renewable energy.

So... not in the city, but pretty much "out in the jungle."

The hard decision for her was the realization that wee Smudge would likely not make the arduous plane trip to the tropics at her age, and probably not thrive, moving around in tented villages with no amenities.

And so, we agreed we would adopt Smudge and give her a chance to live out her "golden years" in the comfort of a quiet cat-friendly home.

It was not easy for our friend to leave Smudge here, I can assure you... and she'd already said goodbye to her (also aging) dog, who found a different loving home.

A lot more comfortable and friendly now!

I know how hard it can be to part with your furry ones, having said goodbye to a couple of cats as part of my divorce.

And so, now we have this new little fur friend here...

She's slowly integrating, but that's a much slower process for an old cat than when you are bringing a kitten. But she's being a champ about it, and has already ventured out into the house a couple of times... but still prefers the safety of our living room, where she first "landed."

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great rest of your weekend!

How about YOU? Any favorite movies that have always stuck with you? Or is it hard to choose "favorites?" Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20211129 00:18 PDT
