Dibujando a Eddy // Drawing Eddy [ESP-ENG]

Hola querida comunidad espero estén teniendo o hayan tenido un excelente día, todo depende de qué hora lean este post, como ya he mencionado siempre tomo un tiempito libre para dibujar cosas, y como vengo dibujando a los cartoons, en esta ocasión traigo a Eddy, del trio "Ed, Edd y Eddy.

Hello dear community I hope you are having or have had an excellent day, it all depends on what time you read this post, as I have already mentioned I always take a little free time to draw things, and as I have been drawing cartoons, this time I bring Eddy, from the trio "Ed, Edd and Eddy.


Este personaje es el líder del grupo, era el más ocurrente, tenía muchos planes totalmente locos para conseguir dinero para comprar caramelos, dichos planes siempre salían mal para todos.

This character is the leader of the group, he was the most witty, he had many totally crazy plans to get money to buy candy, these plans always went wrong for everyone.


Según Internet en la última película de esta comiquita el no aparece porque hizo alta tan malo que hace que todos se vuelvan en contra de los Eds, lo que si era cierto era su amor por el dinero.

According to the Internet in the last movie of this cartoon he does not appear because he made such a bad high that makes everyone turn against the Eds, what was true was his love for money.


Cuéntame, que te parece este personaje?
Tell me, what do you think of this character?

Gif Imagotipo FerArevalo.gif

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