Sunset on a snowy field

Hello friends.

I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.

Yesterday I went to a friend's house in the village after work. In the rearview mirror, I saw that the Sun was beginning to sink to the horizon and there was a glow all over the sky. But I couldn't stop on the highway, there was too much traffic. When I turned onto a dirt road, I realized that I could still manage to film the sunset, but I had to leave the forest for an open space! I made it, but the Sun had already disappeared below the horizon. And I got what I got.


There is still snow in my region. There is still a lot of it. I didn't think before that it could be otherwise, but now when I communicate with people from other countries, I see that they already have summer. Yes, there are other countries! I see that in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and in the southern regions of the country, it's already quite summer. People are starting to cultivate their gardens and vegetable gardens!

But there will also be a holiday on our street! More precisely, the grass will be green in our fields, there will be green trees. Everything will be beautiful!

I give 5% of the reward to @archon, and he thanks me for it. Do you do it?

I wish everyone happiness for life and good luck for every day.


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