Prosa #1 "Yo mismo" (Pensando)


Si, no te hagas el sordo que es a ti a quien le hablo, a veces ni me escuchas, y es raro cuando te veo. Aunque solo una vez lo he hecho y la gente me dice, que raro. Nadie ha podido verlo. Estoy a veces confundido, y no sé porque escribo tanto, y me duele tanto. Y si, es a ti a quien amo. Y te hablo y no respondes. Ni poemas, ni halagos, ni plegarias y ni llantos. Entonces, ¿Qué hago? ¿Para qué diste un corazón que llore tanto? ¿Para qué me diste un corazón que ame tanto? si fueses más pensativo, se te ocurriera algo. No sé, algo mas practico, algo más adecuado a tus encantos, que todo el mundo te busca y te grita tanto. Con voces, con canciones. Con guerras e insinuaciones. Entonces, porque no haces algo. Un cambio, una palabra o un canto, para que alguien además de mi te escuche. Y así me podrás responder que tanto. Si eres un Dios, ¿por qué vacilas y esperas tanto?

Yes, don't be deaf, it's you who I'm talking to, sometimes you don't even listen to me, and it's weird when I see you. Although I have only done it once and people tell me, how strange. No one has been able to see it. I am sometimes confused, and I don't know why I write so much, and it hurts so much. And yes, it is you who I love. And I talk to you and you don't answer. No poems, no flattery, no prayers and no tears. Then what do I do? Why did you give a heart that cries so much? Why did you give me a heart that I love so much? If you were more thoughtful, something would occur to you. I don't know, something more practical, something more suited to your charms, that everyone looks for you and yells at you so much. With voices, with songs. With wars and innuendo. So why don't you do something. A change, a word or a song, so that someone besides me can listen to you. And so you can answer me how much. If you are a God, why do you hesitate and wait so long?

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