El maravilloso desastre de caminar a tu lado | The wonderful disaster of walking beside you

Reciban un saludo de mi parte y un fuerte abrazo a la distancia, hoy quiero compartirles mi camino hacia la persona con quien comparto mi vida.

Receive a greeting from me and a big hug from a distance, today I want to share with you my way to the person with whom I share my life.

La conocí cuando estudiábamos el bachillerato por medio de una vecina mía, que se había hecho su amiga al comenzar a estudiar juntas. No recuerdo con exactitud si nos presentó o fui yo con mi personalidad entrometida que decidió hablarle para conocerla.

I met her when we were in high school through a neighbor of mine, who had become her friend when we started studying together. I don't remember exactly if she introduced us or if it was me with my nosy personality that decided to talk to her to get to know her.

Al cabo de un año los sentimientos cambiaron y mi intención era establecer una relación, mis estrategias seguían siendo las mismas, jugarle bromas y ver con se sonrojaba cosa que pasaba muy a menudo. Iniciamos nuestro noviazgo el 29 de mayo del año 2012.

After a year the feelings changed and my intention was to establish a relationship, my strategies were still the same, play jokes on her and see if she blushed, which happened very often. We started our courtship on May 29, 2012.

Nuestro andar por el sendero del amor no fue fácil éramos dos niños inmaduros que cometimos muchos errores y nos encontramos con dificultades que no sabíamos solucionar juntos, cuyas decisiones nos alejaban en lugar de unirnos. Aunque tomáramos caminos diferentes, el sendero siempre nos llevaba al lado del otro.

Our walk along the path of love was not easy, we were two immature children who made many mistakes and encountered difficulties that we did not know how to solve together, whose decisions drove us apart instead of bringing us together. Even though we took different paths, the path always led us to each other's side.

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